Eratosthenes Map of the World

Internal Map

New World Places


Index of Commentaries on New World Places

Index of Places

 A   B   C   D   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   V   W   Z 

--- M ---

63. Manti
64. Melek
65. Middoni
66. Midian
67. Minon
68. Mocum
69. Morianton
70. Moriantum
71. Mormon
72. Moron (Kingdom Of Cohor)
73. Moroni
74. Moronihah
75. Mount Antipas
76. Mountain Zerin
77. Mulek

--- N ---

78. Narrow Neck
79. Narrow Pass Or Passage
80. Nehor (Kingdom Of Shule)
81. Nephi (Lehi-Nephi)
82. Nephihah
83. Noah
84. North Country

--- O ---

85. Ogath
86. Omner
87. Onidah
88. Onihah

--- P ---

89. Pass Between Nephihah And Moroni
90. Plains Between Bountiful And Mulek
91. Plains Of Agosh
92. Plains Of Heshlon
93. Plains Of Nephihah
94. Promised Land (Ether)
95. Promised Land (I Nephi)

--- R ---

96. Rameumptom
97. Ridge Around The Land Of Manti
98. Ridge Between Ablom And Nehor
99. Ridge Between Ammonihah And Nephi
100. Ridge Between Antionum And Jershon
101. Ridge Between Bountiful And Morianton
102. Ridge Between Gideon And Jershon
103. Ridge Between Gideon And Zarahemla
104. Ridge Between Heth And Hill Shim
105. Ridge Between Hill Cumorah And Hill Shim
106. Ridge Between Jershon And Manti
107. Ridge Between Jershon And Melek
108. Ridge Between Jershon And Zarahemla
109. Ridge Between Jerusalem And Middoni
110. Ridge Between Jerusalem And Village Ani-Anti
111. Ridge Between Manti And Moroni, Lehi, And Morianton
112. Ridge Between Melek And Zarahemla
113. Ridge Between Nephi And Zarahemla
114. Ridge Between Sidom And Zarahemla
115. Ridge Between Siron And Zarahemla
116. Ridge Between the East Wilderness and Ishmael And Nephi
117. Ridge Between The Head Of The River Sidon And Nephihah
118. River Sidon
119. River Sidon - Headwaters Of

--- S ---

120. Sea East
121. Sea North
122. Sea South
123. Sea West
124. Shem
125. Shemlon
126. Sherrizah (And The Tower Of Sherrizah)
127. Shilom
128. Shimnilon
129. Sidom
130. Siron
131. South Countries

--- T ---

132. Teancum
133. The One Place (Protection From The Robbers)

--- V ---

134. Valley Alma
135. Valley East Of The River Sidon
136. Valley Near Mount Antipas
137. Valley Of Corihor
138. Valley Of Gideon
139. Valley Of Gilgal
140. Valley Of Shurr
141. Valley West Of The River Sidon
142. Village Ani-Anti

--- W ---

143. Water Of Sebus
144. Waters Of Mormon
145. Waters Of Ripliancum
146. Wilderness (East)
147. Wilderness (South)
148. Wilderness Around Ammonihah
149. Wilderness Around Bountiful
150. Wilderness Around Judea
151. Wilderness Around Manti
152. Wilderness Around Melek
153. Wilderness Around Mormon
154. Wilderness Around Nephi
155. Wilderness Around Shemlon
156. Wilderness Around Shilom
157. Wilderness Around The Land Southward
158. Wilderness Around Zarahemla
159. Wilderness Between Ammonihah And Nephi
160. Wilderness Between Ammonihah And Noah
161. Wilderness Between Amulon And Helam
162. Wilderness Between Amulon And Nephi
163. Wilderness Between Antionum And Manti
164. Wilderness Between Helam And Nephi
165. Wilderness Between Helam And Valley Alma
166. Wilderness Between Nephi And Shilom
167. Wilderness Between Nephi And The Promised Land (I Nephi)
168. Wilderness Between Nephi And Zarahemla
169. Wilderness Between The Valley Alma And Zarahemla
170. Wilderness Of Akish
171. Wilderness West Of The City Of Mulek

--- Z ---

172. Zarahemla
173. Zeezrom