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Wilderness Around Zarahemla


Wilderness Around Zarahemla

There was a wilderness around the land of Zarahemla. The wilderness was generally on the westward side of the land.

Commentaries (view it on a map)

ALMA 13:69 [22:27]: Which ran from the sea east, even to the sea west, and round about on the borders of the sea-shore, and the borders of the wilderness which was on the north, by the land of Zarahemla, through the borders of Manti, by the head of the river Sidon, running from the east towards the west; and thus were the Lamanites and the Nephites divided.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Manti, Nephi, the headwaters of the river Sidon, the Sea East, the Sea West, the wilderness around Zarahemla, and Zarahemla. This verse further describes the region controlled by King Lamoni who was in the city of Nephi. The phrase 'which ran from the sea east, even to the sea west' refers to the region controlled by King Lamoni as extending from the Sea East to the Sea West. The phrase 'wilderness which was on the north' indicates a wilderness around the land of Zarahemla and that the land of Zarahemla is north of the possessions of the Lamanites. This verse is describing the area on the westward portion of the lands of the Nephites and Lamanites, so the wilderness by the land of Zarahemla would be generally on the westward side of the land of Zarahemla. The land of Manti is by the headwaters of river Sidon.

ALMA 15:27 [27:25]: Now it came to pass that when Ammon had heard this, he returned to the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi, and also Alma with him, into the wilderness, where they had pitched their tents, and made known unto them all these things.

Commentary: This verse references the places of the wilderness around Zarahemla and Zarahemla. Alma had led the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi to the land of Zarahemla outside the city of Zarahemla. This verse refers to Alma and Ammon going from the city of Zarahemla to where the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi were camped in the wilderness outside the city of Zarahemla.

ALMA 15:29 [27:26]: And they went down into the land of Jershon, and took possession of the land of Jershon; and they were called by the Nephites the people of Ammon;

Commentary: This verse references the places of Jershon and the wilderness around Zarahemla. The term 'they' refers to the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi. The phrase 'went down' indicates the wilderness around the land of Zarahemla is higher in elevation than the land of Jershon.

HELAMAN 1:49 [2:11]: And they took their flight out of the land, by a secret way, into the wilderness; and thus when Helaman sent forth to take them, they could nowhere be found. And more of this Gadianton shall be spoken hereafter.

Commentary: This verse references the places of the wilderness around Zarahemla and Zarahemla. The term 'they' refers to Gadianton and his band. The phrases 'out of the land' and 'into the wilderness' indicates there is wilderness outside the land of Zarahemla. Kishkumen had come to the city of Zarahemla with his band and had just been killed trying to murder Helaman. Kishkumen and his band had been living somewhere outside the land of Zarahemla. If that place had been the city of Kishkumen, the appearance of Kishkumen in the city of Zarahemla would indicate the city of Kishkumen is in proximity to the land of Zarahemla.

III NEPHI 2:22 [3:17]: And it came to pass that Lachoneus did appoint chief captains over all the armies of the Nephites, to command them at the time that the robbers should come down out of the wilderness against them.

Commentary: This verse references the places of the wilderness around Zarahemla and Zarahemla. Lachoneus was the governor of the land of Zarahemla. The phrase 'come down out of the wilderness' indicates the wilderness around Zarahemla is higher in elevation than the land of Zarahemla.

III NEPHI 2:25 [3:20]: Now the people said unto Gidgiddoni, Pray unto the Lord, and let us go up upon the mountains, and into the wilderness, that we may fall upon the robbers and destroy them, in their own lands.

Commentary: This verse references the places of the river Sidon, wilderness around Zarahemla and Zarahemla. The phrase 'the people' refers to the people in the land of Zarahemla. This verse indicates a close relationship between mountains and the wilderness around the land of Zarahemla. Since the city of Zarahemla is on the westward side of the river Sidon, elevated areas such as the mountains and wilderness would be on the opposite side (westward side) of the city of Zarahemla than the river Sidon.


Upper Middle Area of the New World
Sea West Sea East Land Southward The One Place (Protection From The Robbers) Wilderness Around The Land Southward Land Near Bountiful Gadiandi Plains Between Bountiful And Mulek Wilderness West Of The City Of Mulek Mulek Laman South Countries Josh River Sidon Gadiomnah Gid Gad Noah Sidom Kishkumen Jacob Wilderness Between Ammonihah And Noah Ridge Between Sidom And Zarahemla Wilderness Around Zarahemla Omner Zarahemla Land By The Sea West Wilderness Around Ammonihah Ammonihah Hill Amnihu Battle Site North Of The City Of Antiparah Hermounts Wilderness Between Nephi And Zarahemla Ridge Between Gideon And Zarahemla Gimgimno Minon Valley Of Gideon Gideon Ridge Between Gideon And Jershon Morianton Wilderness Around Judea Judea Ridge Between Melek And Zarahemla Wilderness Around Melek Wilderness (East) Moronihah Melek Ridge Between Jershon And Melek Ridge Between Manti And Moroni, Lehi, And Morianton Aaron Lehi City Beyond The City Of Antiparah Antiparah Cumeni Zeezrom Manti Hill Manti Ridge Between Jershon And Manti Ridge Around The Land Of Manti Wilderness Between Antionum And Manti Ridge Between Jershon And Zarahemla Jershon Plains Of Nephihah Nephihah Ridge Between Siron And Zarahemla Wilderness Around Manti Valley West Of The River Sidon Valley East Of The River Sidon Hill Riplah Midian Ridge Between The Head Of The River Sidon And Nephihah Ridge Between the East Wilderness and Ishmael And Nephi Ridge Between Antionum And Jershon Pass Between Nephihah And Moroni Moroni Wilderness (South) River Sidon - Headwaters Of Hill Onidah