Eratosthenes Map of the World

Internal Map




This is the land and city of Jerusalem. The land of Jerusalem is next to the Sea East. The village of Ani-Anti is in the borders of the land of Jerusalem. There is a ridge between the city of Jerusalem and the village of Ani-Anti. The land of Jerusalem is south of the south wilderness and borders the land of Mormon, the land of Middoni, and the land of Helam. There is a ridge between the land of Jerusalem and the land of Middoni. The land of Jerusalem is northward of the cities of Mocum and Onihah.

Commentaries (view it on a map)

ALMA 13:1 [21:1]: Now when Ammon and his brethren separated themselves in the borders of the land of the Lamanites, behold, Aaron took his journey towards the land which was called by the Lamanites, Jerusalem; calling it after the land of their fathers' nativity; and it was away joining the borders of Mormon.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Jerusalem, Mormon, and the South Wilderness. The land of Jerusalem and the land of Mormon are next to each other. The land of Jerusalem is southward of the south wilderness (the borders of the land of the Lamanites).

ALMA 13:2 [21:2]: Now the Lamanites, and the Amalekites, and the people of Amulon, had built a great city, which was called Jerusalem.

Commentary: This verse references the place of Jerusalem. This verse names the city of Jerusalem. The phrase 'great city' may indicate the city of Jerusalem had a large population.

ALMA 13:4 [21:4]: And it came to pass that Aaron came to the city of Jerusalem, and firstly began to preach to the Amalekites.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Jerusalem and the South Wilderness. Aaron traveled from a place in the South Wilderness to the city of Jerusalem.

ALMA 13:15 [21:11]: Therefore, when he saw that they would not hear his words, he departed out of their synagogue, and came over to a village which was called Ani-anti, and there he found Muloki preaching the word unto them; and also Ammah, and his brethren. And they contended with many about the word.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Jerusalem, a ridge between Jerusalem and the village Ani-Anti, and the village Ani-Anti. The village Ani-Anti is near the land of Jerusalem. The practice of the Nephites is to have smaller settlements (villages) within the borders of the land in addition to a central city. The village Ani-Anti is not within the borders of the land of Middoni and the land of Middoni is next to the land of Jerusalem. This places the village Ani-Anti within the borders of the land of Jerusalem. The phrase 'came over' means there is a ridge between the city of Jerusalem and the village Ani-Anti.

ALMA 13:16 [21:12]: And it came to pass that they saw that the people would harden their hearts; therefore they departed, and came over into the land of Middoni.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Jerusalem, Middoni, and a ridge between Jerusalem and Middoni. The term 'they' refers to Aaron, Muloki, and Ammah. The phrase 'came over' means there is a ridge between the land of Middoni and the land of Jerusalem. The term 'into' indicates that the village Ani-Anti is outside the boundaries of the land of Middoni.

ALMA 14:21 [24:1]: And it came to pass that the Amalekites, and the Amulonites, and the Lamanites who were in the land of Amulon, and also in the land of Helam, and who were in the land of Jerusalem, and in fine, in all the land round about, who had not been converted, and had not taken upon them the name of Anti-Nephi-Lehi, were stirred up by the Amalekites, and by the Amulonites, to anger against their brethren;

Commentary: This verse references the places of Amulon, Helam, Jerusalem, and Shilom. The land of Amulon, land of Helam, and land of Jerusalem are listed in the same verse, so they share borders. Since the land of Shilom also borders the land of Helam on the opposite side as the land of Amulon, the land of Jerusalem is in a different direction from the land of Helam than the land of Shilom. Both the land of Shilom and the land of Jerusalem share a border with the land of Helam, so they must be in different directions from the land of Helam.

III NEPHI 4:29 [9:4]: And behold, that great city Moroni have I caused to be sunk in the depths of the sea, and the inhabitants thereof to be drowned.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Jerusalem, Mocum, Moroni, Onihah, and the Sea East. The city Moroni is close enough to the Sea East shore to be sunk into the sea. By Occam's Razor, the city of Moroni would be near the other cities that were also covered by the sea. These would be the cities of Jerusalem, Mocum, and Onihah.

III NEPHI 4:32 [9:7]: Yea, and the city of Onihah, and the inhabitants thereof, and the city of Mocum, and the inhabitants thereof, and the city of Jerusalem, and the inhabitants thereof, and waters have I caused to come up in the stead thereof,

Commentary: This verse references the places of Jerusalem, Mocum, Onihah, and the Sea East. These cities were covered by water, which means they were near the seashore. They are listed in geographic order meaning they shared borders in the order listed. Since the lands of Mormon, Antionum, and Moroni are northward of the land of Jerusalem, the cities of Mocum and Onihah would be southward of the land of Jerusalem.


North Map  North Map  North Map  North Map 
Southern Area of the New World
Sea West Sea East Moronihah Melek Ridge Between Jershon And Melek Ridge Between Manti And Moroni, Lehi, And Morianton Aaron Lehi City Beyond The City Of Antiparah Antiparah Cumeni Zeezrom Manti Hill Manti Ridge Between Jershon And Manti Ridge Around The Land Of Manti Wilderness Between Antionum And Manti Ridge Between Jershon And Zarahemla Jershon Plains Of Nephihah Nephihah Ridge Between Siron And Zarahemla Wilderness Around Manti Valley West Of The River Sidon Valley East Of The River Sidon Hill Riplah Midian Ridge Between The Head Of The River Sidon And Nephihah Ridge Between the East Wilderness and Ishmael And Nephi Ridge Between Antionum And Jershon Pass Between Nephihah And Moroni Moroni Wilderness (South) River Sidon - Headwaters Of Hill Onidah Siron Ridge Between Ammonihah And Nephi Ridge Between Nephi And Zarahemla Antionum Mount Antipas Water of Sebus Shimnilon Wilderness Between Nephi And The Promised Land (I Nephi) Valley Near Mount Antipas Onidah Wilderness Between Ammonihah And Nephi Ishmael Waters of Mormon Mormon Wilderness Around Mormon Nephi (Lehi-Nephi) Wilderness Around Nephi Wilderness Between Nephi And Shilom Wilderness Between Amulon And Nephi Wilderness Between Helam And Nephi Wilderness Around Shemlon Hill North of Shilom Wilderness Between The Valley Alma And Zarahemla Middoni Ridge Between Jerusalem And Middoni Village Ani-Anti Ridge Between Jerusalem And Village Ani-Anti Jerusalem Lemuel Shemlon Valley Alma Shilom Wilderness Around Shilom Wilderness Between Helam And Valley Alma Helam Mocum Wilderness Between Amulon And Helam Amulon Onihah