Eratosthenes Map of the World

Internal Map

Promised Land (Ether)


Promised Land (Ether)

This is the promised land of Jared (as mentioned in the Book of Ether). The first landing in the Promised Land is on the Sea West shore in proximity to what would later be called the land Desolation. This puts the landing in close proximity to Lehi’s landing in I Nephi. The Promised Land (Ether) was westward of the land of Moron and the land of Nehor, in proximity to the land southward, and bordered (probably to the south) the land Desolation.

Commentaries (view it on a map)

ETHER 1:29 [2:7]: And the Lord would not suffer that they should stop beyond the sea in the wilderness, but he would that they should come forth even unto the land of promise, which was choice above all other lands, which the Lord God had preserved for a righteous people;

Commentary: This verse references the places of Moriancumer, the Promised Land (Ether) and the sea in the wilderness. This is the first verse that mentions the 'land of promise' in the Book of Ether and will be referred to as the 'Promised Land (Ether)'. Since the landing at the Promised Land (Ether) is on the east side of the Sea West, the place they began their journey across the Sea West, Moriancumer, would be on a corresponding west side of the Sea West. This would put the sea in the wilderness westward of Moriancumer. The term 'sea' is not plural, so this indicates that there is only one body of water.

ETHER 3:5 [6:4]: And it came to pass that when they had done all these things, they got aboard of their vessels or barges, and set forth into the sea, commending themselves unto the Lord their God.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Moriancumer, the Promised Land (Ether), and the Sea West. The term 'they' refers to Jared and his people. They launched boats into the Sea West from the seashore by Moriancumer. There was a way to navigate from this point to the Promised Land (Ether). Moriancumer is on the western side of the Sea West and the Promised Land (Ether) is on the eastern side of the Sea West.

ETHER 3:13 [6:11]: And thus they were driven forth, three hundred and forty and four days upon the water; and they did land upon the shore of the promised land.

Commentary: This verse references the places of the Promised Land (Ether) and the Sea West. The term 'they' refers to Jared and everyone with him. This verse describes Jared and his people landing in the new world at a place named the Promised Land (in the book of Ether). The first land established after landing in the Promised Land (Ether) is the land of Moron. The land of Moron is next to the land Desolation that is on the Sea West shore (Ether 3:43 [7:6]). Using Occam's Razor, Jared arrived at the Promised Land (Ether) by landing on the Sea West shore near the location of what would later become the land Desolation.

ETHER 3:42 [7:5]: And when he had gathered together an army, he came up unto the land of Moron where the king dwelt, and took him captive, which brought to pass the saying of the Brother of Jared, that they would be brought into captivity.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Moron, Nehor, and the Promised Land (Ether). The term 'him' refers to Kib. Corihor went from the land of Nehor to the land of Moron. The phrase 'up unto' means the land of Moron is higher in altitude than the land of Nehor. Between Ether 3:14 [6:12] and this verse, the location of the people currently in the land of Moron has moved from being in the Promised Land by the seashore to the land of Moron. Ether 3:15 [6:13] mentions they 'went forth upon the land.' This could account for the people moving from the Promised Land (Ether) to the land of Moron.


Northern Area of the New World
Sea West Sea East Sea East Land Northward Waters Of Ripliancum Hill Comnor Valley Of Corihor Corihor Valley of Shurr Land Of Many Waters, Rivers And Fountains Ablom Cumorah Battle Site Of Shiz And Coriantumr By The Sea East Shore Jordan Hill Cumorah Hill Ramah Lands And Cities Around Jordan Ogath Teancum Sherrizah (And The Tower Of Sherrizah) Ridge Between Hill Cumorah And Hill Shim Shem Hill Shim Boaz Ridge Between Heth And Hill Shim Antum Plains Of Agosh Plains of Heshlon Wilderness Of Akish Valley Of Gilgal Jashon Desolation Moron (Kingdom Of Cohor) North Country Moriantum Narrow Pass Or Passage Gilgal Narrow Neck Great City By The Narrow Neck Of Land Ridge Between Ablom And Nehor Heth David Angola (Angelah) Promised Land (Ether) Promised Land (I Nephi) Nehor (Kingdom Of Shule) Joshua Hill Ephraim Bountiful Wilderness Around Bountiful Ridge Between Bountiful And Morianton River Sidon Jacobugath Land Southward The One Place (Protection From The Robbers) Wilderness Around The Land Southward Land Near Bountiful Gadiandi Plains Between Bountiful And Mulek Wilderness West Of The City Of Mulek Mulek Laman South Countries Josh