Shipping Timber to Area with No Timber
The area north of the narrow neck (around Israel) does have areas where timber is scarce. However, Lehi left Israel and journeyed to another location. Israel is not the land Northward. Lebanon, a little further north of Israel, was known for it's cedars and supplied Israel with that timber [1 Kings 5:6].
No Cold or Snow
Average highs range from 65 to 96 degrees F (18 to 36 degrees C) and lows range from 47 to 70 degrees F (9 to 21 degrees C).
East Wind of Destruction
East winds in the Middle East are a drying wind that brings drought. There are references that they can also bring locust swarms.
Narrow Neck
North-Flowing River
Nile River.
Elevated Area West and South
The length of the Nile is 3470 miles long. There are elevated areas south of the headwaters; however, the distance from the headwaters to the narrow neck area is too excessive to fit the travel times in the Book of Mormon.
Elevated Area East
Es Sahra Esh Sharqiya is a ridge that follows the west coast of the Red Sea.
Large Bodies of Water
The large bodies of water north of the narrow neck are the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. These were known to the Nephites, so this location contradicts the Book of Mormon which did not use these names for the bodies of water north of the narrow neck. For the Dead Sea to be waters of Ripliancum, no travel would have been necessary away from Jerusalem.
Significant Natural Forces
For Egypt, earthquake hazard maps indicate peak ground acceleration to range from 0.2 to 2.4 m/s2 (mild to moderate). Only inactive volcanoes more than 10,000 years old are in the area. At least two cities (Menouthis and Herakleion) have been located in sunken areas off the Egyptian coast.