Book of Mormon Geography represented by water and terrain

Book of Mormon


Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers

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Many answers are provided in the Internal Map Commentary and Travel Maps. Please review these areas for additional answers.

Tap a question to see the answer:
  1. Personal attestation of the material on this website
  2. What theories exist for the Book of Mormon geography?
  3. What assumptions were used to create the internal model?
  4. Can both sides of the Yucatan peninsula have different sea names?
  5. What about the sea north and sea south?
  6. Can any ruins in Mesoamerica be linked to Book of Mormon cities?
  7. Could Chinkultic be the city of Nephi?
  8. Is Manti on the east or west side of the river Sidon?
  9. Does the river Sidon flow north or south?
  10. Why throw bodies into the river Sidon?
  11. What is the geography of Chaldea?
  12. Can the Hill Cumorah in New York be the same Hill Cumorah in the Book of Mormon?

1. Personal attestation of the material on this website.

2. There are many competing theories for the Book of Mormon geography. Here are answers to questions about this theory.
How many other theories have I reviewed?

3. What were my hypotheses in developing the internal model? The hypotheses that I started with in order to determine the relative placement of each place were very close to those stated by John Clark, A Key for Evaluating Nephite Geographies:

4. Can the Gulf of Mexico on both sides of the Yucatan peninsula (Gulf of Honduras and Bay of Campeche) be considered two different seas?

5. What about the Sea North and Sea South?

6. Can any ruins in Mesoamerica be linked to Book of Mormon cities?

7. Could Chinkultic be the city of Nephi?

8. Is Manti on the east or west side of the river Sidon?

9. Does the river Sidon flow north or south?

10. Why throw bodies into the river Sidon?
I find it perplexing if the river Sidon flows north past Zarahemla and Gideon that the Nephites would throw thousands of dead bodies into the river Sidon by the hill Riplah (Alma 43), which is south of these major cities. Why would the Nephites who practiced the law of Moses (Alma 14:74 [25:15]) allow all that blood and gore of those who had been killed, both Nephites and Lamanites (Alma 20:97 [44:22]), to be floated past these major cities where loved ones of the dead could see them float by? If the river was used for irrigation or drinking water for animals I can't think of anyone who would allow such an atrocity after such a brutal battle.

11. What is the geography of Chaldea?

12. Can the Hill Cumorah in New York be the same Hill Cumorah in the Book of Mormon?