Book of Mormon Geography represented by water and terrain

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Map 14 (Lamanites to Ammonihah and Noah)
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Alma 21:125 Yea, and all the people who were in the land, the Nephites as well as the Lamanites, therefore he had accomplished his design, for he had hardened the hearts of the Lamanites, and blinded their minds, and stirred them up to anger, insomuch that he had gathered together a numerous host, to go to battle against the Nephites, for he was determined, because of the greatness of the number of his people, to overpower the Nephites, and to bring them into bondage;

Alma 21:126 And thus he did appoint chief captains of the Zoramites, they being the most acquainted with the strength of the Nephites, and their places of resort, and the weakest parts of their cities; therefore he appointed them to be chief captains over his armies.

Alma 21:127 And it came to pass that they took their camp, and moved forth towards the land of Zarahemla, in the wilderness.

Alma 21:149 And now it came to pass, in the eleventh month of the nineteenth year, on the tenth day of the month, the armies of the Lamanites were seen approaching towards the land of Ammonihah.

Alma 21:162 And behold, his chief captains durst not attack the Nephites at the city of Ammonihah, for Moroni had altered the management of affairs among the Nephites, insomuch that the Lamanites were disappointed in their places of retreat, and they could not come upon them;

Alma 21:163 Therefore they retreated into the wilderness, and took their camp, and marched towards the land of Noah, supposing that to be the next best place for them to come against the Nephites;

Alma 21:164 For they knew not that Moroni had fortified or had built forts of security for every city in all the land round about.

Alma 21:165 Therefore they marched forward to the land of Noah, with a firm determination; yea, their chief captains came forward, and took an oath that they would destroy the people of that city.

Alma 21:180 And it came to pass, that when the Lamanites saw that their chief captains were all slain, they fled into the wilderness.

Alma 21:181 And it came to pass that they returned to the land of Nephi, to inform their king, Amalickiah, who was a Nephite by birth, concerning their great loss.

Alma 22:7 And it came to pass that Moroni caused that his armies should go forth into the east wilderness; yea, and they went forth, and drove all the Lamanites who were in the east wilderness into their own lands, which were south of the land of Zarahemla;

Alma 22:9 And it came to pass that when Moroni had driven all the Lamanites out of the east wilderness, which was north of the lands of their own possessions, he caused that the inhabitants who were in the land of Zarahemla, and in the land round about, should go forth into the east wilderness, even to the borders, by the sea-shore, and possess the land.

Alma 22:10 And he also placed armies on the south, in the borders of their possessions, and caused them to erect fortifications that they might secure their armies and their people from the hands of their enemies.

Alma 22:11 And thus he cut off all the strongholds of the Lamanites, in the east wilderness: yea, and also on the west, fortifying the line between the Nephites and the Lamanites, between the land of Zarahemla and the land of Nephi; from the west sea, running by the head of the river Sidon;

Alma 22:12 The Nephites possessing all the land northward; yea, even all the land which was northward of the land Bountiful, according to their pleasure.

Alma 22:13 Thus Moroni, with his armies, which did increase daily, because of the assurance of protection which his works did bring forth unto them; therefore they did seek to cut off the strength and the power of the Lamanites, from off the lands of their possessions, that they should have no power upon the lands of their possessions.

Alma 22:14 And it came to pass that the Nephites began the foundation of a city; and they called the name of the city Moroni; and it was by the east sea; and it was on the south by the line of the possessions of the Lamanites.

Alma 22:15 And they also began a foundation for a city between the city of Moroni and the city of Aaron, joining the borders of Aaron and Moroni; and they called the name of the city, or the land, Nephihah.

Alma 22:16 And they also began, in that same year, to build many cities on the north; one in a particular manner which they called Lehi, which was in the north, by the borders of the sea-shore. And thus ended the twentieth year.

Alma 22:27 For behold, the people who possessed the land of Morianton did claim a part of the land of Lehi; therefore there began to be a warm contention between them, insomuch that the people of Morianton took up arms against their brethren, and they were determined by the sword to slay them.

Alma 22:28 But behold, the people who possessed the land of Lehi, fled to the camp of Moroni, and appealed unto him for assistance; for behold, they were not in the wrong.

Alma 22:29 And it came to pass that when the people of Morianton, who were led by a man whose name was Morianton, found that the people of Lehi had fled to the camp of Moroni, they were exceeding fearful lest the army of Moroni should come upon them, and destroy them;

Alma 22:30 Therefore, Morianton put it into their hearts that they should flee to the land which was northward, which was covered with large bodies of water, and take possession of the land which was northward.

World Location    up to verses  down to commentary

Lamanites to Ammonihah and Noah on a world map

Commentary    up to world map

The Lamanites tried again to attack Ammonihah and Noah, which is consistent with these places being on the outer boundaries of the lands of the Nephites.

The new cities of Nephihah, Moroni, Lehi, and Morianton are all along the easiest path from Zarahemla to the Sea East (Gulf of Honduras). Gideon and Aaron were along the Rio Pasion. Nephihah is along a tributary of the Rio Pasion, the Rio San Juan. Around the headwaters of the Rio Pasion and the Rio San Juan, there is a pass through the Belize Mountains in the vicinity of San Luis, Guatemala to Pueblo Viejo, Belize. It opens to the coast in between Moroni and Lehi. From the this point on the coast, additional cities would be created to the north. To the south was the area controlled by the Lamanites. The cities created are consistent with building along the same river system as established cities. The easiest route to the sea coast is consistent with the terrain (pass) through the Belize Mountains.

The easiest route from Lehi and Morianton to the narrow neck is, for Lehi, back through the pass through the Belize Mountains and back along the river systems and around the Hermounts. For Morianton, the easiest route to the narrow neck is around the end of the Belize Mountains and across the Peten. This path across the Peten was the common path used by the Maya as the easiest route across that part of the land.