Book of Mormon Geography represented by water and terrain

Book of Mormon


I Nephi Travel Maps

I Nephi Travel Maps    down to the internal map

Map 2 (Bountiful)
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Travel around the Middle East on an internal map

Verses    up to the internal map  down to the world map

1 Nephi 5:18 And we did go forth again, in the wilderness, following the same direction, keeping in the most fertile parts of the wilderness, which were in the borders near the Red Sea.

1 Nephi 5:19 And it came to pass that we did travel for the space of many days, slaying food by the way, with our bows and our arrows, and our stones and our slings;

1 Nephi 5:20 And we did follow the directions of the ball, which led us in the more fertile parts of the wilderness.

1 Nephi 5:21 And after we had traveled for the space of many days, we did pitch our tents for the space of a time, that we might again rest ourselves and obtain food for our families.

1 Nephi 5:22 And it came to pass that as I, Nephi, went forth to slay food, behold, I did break my bow, which was made of fine steel; and after I did break my bow, behold, my brethren were angry with me, because of the loss of my bow, for we did obtain no food.

1 Nephi 5:23 And it came to pass that we did return without food to our families.

1 Nephi 5:24 And being much fatigued because of their journeying, they did suffer much for the want of food.

1 Nephi 5:25 And it came to pass that Laman and Lemuel, and the sons of Ishmael, did begin to murmur exceedingly, because of their sufferings and afflictions in the wilderness; and also my father began to murmur against the Lord his God; yea, and they were all exceeding sorrowful, even that they did murmur against the Lord.

1 Nephi 5:26 Now it came to pass that I, Nephi, having been afflicted with my brethren, because of the loss of my bow; and their bows having lost their spring, it began to be exceeding difficult, yea, insomuch that we could obtain no food.

1 Nephi 5:27 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did speak much unto my brethren, because they had hardened their hearts again, even unto complaining against the Lord their God.

1 Nephi 5:28 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did make out of wood a bow, and out of a straight stick, an arrow; wherefore, I did arm myself with a bow and an arrow, with a sling, and with stones.

1 Nephi 5:29 And I said unto my father, Whither shall I go to obtain food?

1 Nephi 5:30 And it came to pass that he did inquire of the Lord, for they had humbled themselves because of my word; for I did say many things unto them in the energy of my soul.

1 Nephi 5:31 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came unto my father; and he was truly chastened because of his murmuring against the Lord, insomuch that he was brought down into the depths of sorrow.

1 Nephi 5:32 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord said unto him, Look upon the ball, and behold the things which are written!

1 Nephi 5:33 And it came to pass that when my father beheld the things which were written upon the ball, he did fear and tremble exceedingly; and also my brethren, and the sons of Ishmael, and our wives.

1 Nephi 5:34 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the pointers which were in the ball, that they did work according to the faith, and diligence, and heed, which we did give unto them.

1 Nephi 5:35 And there was also written upon them a new writing, which was plain to be read, which did give us understanding concerning the ways of the Lord; and it was written and changed from time to time, according to the faith and diligence which we gave unto it.

1 Nephi 5:36 And thus we see, that by small means, the Lord can bring about great things.

1 Nephi 5:37 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did go forth up into the top of the mountain, according to the directions which were given upon the ball.

1 Nephi 5:42 And it came to pass that we did again take our journey, traveling nearly the same course as in the beginning;

1 Nephi 5:43 And after we had traveled for the space of many days, we did pitch our tents again, that we might tarry for the space of a time.

1 Nephi 5:44 And it came to pass that Ishmael died, and was buried in the place which was called Nahom.

1 Nephi 5:55 And it came to pass that we did again take our journey in the wilderness; and we did travel nearly eastward, from that time forth.

1 Nephi 5:56 And we did travel and wade through much affliction in the wilderness; and our women did bear children in the wilderness.

1 Nephi 5:57 And so great were the blessings of the Lord upon us, that while we did live upon raw meat in the wilderness, our women did give plenty of suck for their children, and were strong, yea, even like unto the men; and they began to bear their journeyings without murmurings.

1 Nephi 5:58 And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled.

1 Nephi 5:59 And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God, he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them;

1 Nephi 5:60 Wherefore, he did provide means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness.

1 Nephi 5:61 And we did sojourn for the space of many years, yea, even eight years in the wilderness.

Commentary: The eight yearsstarted when they left Jerusalem, not when they left Nahom.

1 Nephi 5:62 And we did come to the land which we called Bountiful, because of its much fruit, and also wild honey;

1 Nephi 5:68 And it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had been in the land of Bountiful for the space of many days, the voice of the Lord came unto me, saying, Arise, and get thee into the mountain.

1 Nephi 5:69 And it came to pass that I arose and went up into the mountain, and cried unto the Lord.

1 Nephi 5:177 We did go down into the ship with all our loading and our seeds, and whatsoever thing we had brought with us, every one according to his age;

1 Nephi 5:178 Wherefore, we did all go down into the ship, with our wives and our children.

1 Nephi 5:179 And now, my father had begat two sons in the wilderness; the eldest was called Jacob, and the younger, Joseph.

1 Nephi 5:180 And it came to pass after we had all gone down into the ship, and had taken with us our provisions and things which had been commanded us,

1 Nephi 5:181 We did put forth into the sea, and were driven forth before the wind, towards the promised land;

1 Nephi 5:182 And after we had been driven forth before the wind for the space of many days, behold, my brethren, and the sons of Ishmael, and also their wives, began to make themselves merry, insomuch that they began to dance, and to sing, and to speak with much rudeness,

1 Nephi 5:183 Yea, even that they did forget by what power they had been brought thither;

1 Nephi 5:184 Yea, they were lifted up unto exceeding rudeness.

1 Nephi 5:185 And I, Nephi, began to fear exceedingly, lest the Lord should be angry with us, and smite us, because of our iniquity, that we should be swallowed up in the depths of the sea;

1 Nephi 5:186 Wherefore, I, Nephi, began to speak to them with much soberness;

1 Nephi 5:187 But behold, they were angry with me, saying, We will not that our younger brother shall be a ruler over us.

1 Nephi 5:188 And it came to pass that Laman and Lemuel did take me and bind me with cords, and they did treat me with much harshness;

1 Nephi 5:189 Nevertheless, the Lord did suffer it, that he might shew forth his power, unto the fulfilling of his word which he had spoken concerning the wicked.

1 Nephi 5:190 And it came to pass that after they had bound me, insomuch that I could not move, the compass, which had been prepared of the Lord, did cease to work;

1 Nephi 5:191 Wherefore, they knew not whither they should steer the ship, insomuch, that there arose a great storm, yea, a great and terrible tempest;

1 Nephi 5:192 And we were driven back upon the waters for the space of three days;

1 Nephi 5:193 And they began to be frightened exceedingly, lest they should be drowned in the sea;

1 Nephi 5:194 Nevertheless, they did not loose me.

1 Nephi 5:195 And on the fourth day which we had been driven back, the tempest began to be exceeding sore.

1 Nephi 5:196 And it came to pass that we were about to be swallowed up in the depths of the sea.

1 Nephi 5:197 And after we had been driven back upon the waters for the space of four days, my brethren began to see that the judgments of God were upon them, and that they must perish, save that they should repent of their iniquities;

1 Nephi 5:209 And it came to pass after they had loosed me, behold, I took the compass, and it did work whither I desired it.

1 Nephi 5:210 And it came to pass that I prayed unto the Lord; and after I had prayed, the winds did cease, and the storm did cease, and there was a great calm.

1 Nephi 5:211 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did guide the ship, that we sailed again towards the promised land.

World Location    up to verses  down to commentary

Travel around the Middle East on a world map

Commentary    up to world map

Shazer could be al-Muwaylih or some other place nearby. The wilderness along the east coast of the Red Sea is the most productive area for crops and grazing animals in Saudi Arabia. Some areas are considered to be fertile.

There is a place called NHM (Nahom) in the location described by the Book of Mormon. There is only one place along the wilderness near NHM to go from the coast to the interior and that is a trail up the escarpment that has been used for centuries. The mountains also block any travel further south along the coast south of NHM. This almost meets the criteria of a proof to describe leaving the coast at this point (it was necessary to do so) and going to a place name that matches an archaeology site with the same name in the Book of Mormon.

Both Salalah and Wadi Sayq are candidates for Bountiful and fit the descriptions for abundance of wood, fresh water, food, and known areas of boat building. These are the only two areas in the southern part of the Arabian peninsula that are fertile. They happen to be nearly due east from Nahom.