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Book of Mormon


Mosiah Travel Maps

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Map 2 (43 men missed Zarahemla)
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43 men missed Zarahemla on an internal map

Verses    up to the internal map  down to the world map

Omni 1:48 And now, I would speak somewhat concerning a certain number who went up into the wilderness, to return to the land of Nephi:

Omni 1:49 For there was a large number who were desirous to possess the land of their inheritance; wherefore, they went up into the wilderness.

Omni 1:50 And their leader being a strong and a mighty man, and a stiff- necked man, wherefore he caused a contention among them; and they were all slain, save fifty, in the wilderness, and they returned again to the land of Zarahemla.

Mosiah 6:5 And we returned, those of us that were spared, to the land of Zarahemla, to relate that tale to their wives, and their children.

Mosiah 6:6 And yet, I being overzealous to inherit the land of our fathers, collected as many as were desirous to go up to possess the land, and started again on our journey into the wilderness, to go up to the land; but we were smitten with famine and sore afflictions; for we were slow to remember the Lord our God.

Mosiah 6:7 Nevertheless, after many days' wandering in the wilderness, we pitched our tents in the place where our brethren were slain, which was near to the land of our fathers.

Mosiah 6:8 And it came to pass that I went again with four of my men, into the city, in unto the king, that I might know of the disposition of the king; and that I might know if I might go in with my people, and possess the land in peace.

Mosiah 6:9 And I went in unto the king, and he covenanted with me, that I might possess the land of Lehi-Nephi, and the land of Shilom.

Mosiah 6:10 And he also commanded that his people should depart out of that land, and I and my people went into the land, that we might possess it.

Mosiah 6:11 And we began to build buildings, and to repair the walls of the city, yea, even the walls of the city of Lehi-Nephi, and the city of Shilom.

Mosiah 6:17 For, in the thirteenth year of my reign in the land of Nephi, away on the south of the land of Shilom, when my people were watering and feeding their flocks, and tilling their lands, a numerous host of Lamanites came upon them, and began to slay them, and to take of their flocks, and the corn of their fields.

Mosiah 6:18 Yea, and it came to pass that they fled, all that were not overtaken, even into the city of Nephi, and did call upon me for protection.

World Location    up to verses  down to commentary

43 men missed Zarahemla on a world map

Commentary    up to world map

Mosiah 6:5 is an extension of the description given in Omni 1:48-50.