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Latter Day Saints - What do they Truly Believe (about their Doctrine and Covenants)?

Doctrine and Covenants (D&C)

LDS Summary:

The LDS has added some material that are not revelations by Joseph Smith, Jr.

RLDS Summary:

The RLDS believes in an open canon that can be added to by prophets
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Doctrine and Covenants Comparison:

Some D&C material is found in both the LDS and RLDS, but in different locations


RLDS / Restoration

Added several sections in 1876 that were previously published in other sources - LDS D&C Sections 2, 13, 77, 85, 87, 108-110, 113, 115, 118, 137 The material in the LDS D&C sections are found in the RLDS Church History and the Times and Seasons. Added RLDS Sections 22 and 36 that the LDS put in the Book of Moses (chapters 1 and 7).

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Doctrine and Covenants Comparison:

The LDS has included material that is not in the RLDS historical documents. This material does not provide any significant doctrine differences with the RLDS.


RLDS / Restoration

LDS Section 111: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Salem, Massachusetts, August 6, 1836. At this time the leaders of the Church were heavily in debt due to their labors in the ministry. Hearing that a large amount of money would be available to them in Salem, the Prophet, Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum Smith, and Oliver Cowdery traveled there from Kirtland, Ohio, to investigate this claim, along with preaching the gospel.
Section 114: Church positions held by those who are not faithful will be given to others.
Section 116: Spring Hill is named by the Lord Adam-ondi-Ahman
Section 117: The Lord’s servants should not covet temporal things, for "what is property unto the Lord?"
Section 120: Making known the disposition of the properties tithed
Section 125: The Saints are to build cities and to gather to the stakes of Zion.
Section 126: Brigham Young is commended for his labors and is relieved of future travel abroad.
Source material for these LDS D&C sections is not in published RLDS sources
