BoM Translation Guide

Jacob 3

Jacob 3:1 [LDS 4:1]
Now behold, [it came to pass] [that I,] Jacob, [having ministered] much [unto my people,] [in word,] [(and I can not] write [but little] [of my words,] [because of the difficulty] [of engraving] [our words] upon plates,) [and we know] that [the things] which [we write] upon plates [must remain;]

Jacob 3:2 [LDS 4:2]
[But whatsoever] things [we write] upon anything save [it be] upon plates, [must perish] [and vanish away;] [but we can write] [a <few> words] upon plates, which [will give] [our children,] [and also] [our <beloved> brethren,] [a <small> degree] [of knowledge] [concerning us,] [or concerning] [their fathers.]

Jacob 3:3 [LDS 4:3]
[Now in <this> thing] [we do rejoice;] [and we labor] diligently [to engraven] these words upon plates, hoping [that our <beloved> brethren,] [and our children,] [will receive them] [with <thankful> hearts,] [and look upon them,] [that they may learn] [with joy,] [and <not> with sorrow,] neither [with contempt] [concerning their <first> parents:]

Jacob 3:4 [LDS 4:4] [Note]
For, [for <this> intent] [have we written] these things, that [they may know] that [we knew] [of Christ,] [and we had] [a hope] [of his glory,] many hundred years before [his coming,] [and not] only [we,{incorrect punctuation} ourselves,] had [a hope] [of his glory,] [but also] all [the <holy> prophets] [which were] [before us.]

Jacob 3:5 [LDS 4:5]
Behold, [they believed] [in Christ,] [and worshipped] [the Father] [in his name;] [and also,] [we worship] [the Father] [in his name.]

Jacob 3:6 [LDS 4:5]
[And for] this intent, [we keep] [the law] [of Moses,] it pointing [our souls] [to him;] [and for] [their cause,] [it is sanctified] [unto us,] [for righteousness,] [even as] [it was accounted] [unto Abraham] [in the wilderness,] [to be obedient] [unto the commands] [of God,] [in offering up] [his son] Isaac, which [is a similitude] [of God] [and his <only> <begotten> Son.]

Jacob 3:7 [LDS 4:6]
[Wherefore,{incorrect punctuation} we search] [the prophets;] [and we have <many> revelations,] [and the spirit] [of prophecy,] [and having all] these witnesses, [we obtain] [a hope,] [and our faith] [becometh unshaken,] [insomuch that we truly] [can command] [in the name] [of Jesus,] [and the very] trees [obey us,] [or the mountains,] [or the waves] [of the sea;]

Jacob 3:8 [LDS 4:7]
Nevertheless, [the Lord] God [sheweth us] [our weakness,] [that we may know] that [it is by his grace,] [and his <great> condescensions] unto [the children] [of men,] that [we have power] [to do] these things.

Jacob 3:9 [LDS 4:8]
Behold, great [and marvelous] [are the works] [of the Lord.]

Jacob 3:10 [LDS 4:8] [Note]
How unsearchable [are the depths] [of the mysteries] [of him;] [and it is impossible] [that man] [should find out] all [his ways.]

Jacob 3:11 [LDS 4:8]
[And no] man knoweth [of his ways,] save [it be revealed] [unto him;] [wherefore,{incorrect punctuation} brethren,] despise not [the revelations] [of God.]

Jacob 3:12 [LDS 4:9]
For behold, [by the power] [of his word,] man came upon [the face] [of the earth;] which earth [was created] [by the power] [of his word.]

Jacob 3:13 [LDS 4:9]
Wherefore, if God, [being able] [to speak,] [and the world] was; [and to speak,] [and man] [was created,] [O then,] why not able [to command] [the earth,] [or the workmanship] [of his hands] [upon the face] [of it,] [according to his will] [and pleasure.]

Jacob 3:14 [LDS 4:10]
[Wherefore,{incorrect punctuation} brethren,] seek not [to counsel] [the Lord,] [but to take counsel] [from his hand.]

Jacob 3:15 [LDS 4:10]
For behold, [ye yourselves know,] that [he counseleth] [in wisdom,] [and in justice,] [and in <great> mercy,] [over all] [his works;]

Jacob 3:16 [LDS 4:11]
Wherefore, beloved brethren, [be reconciled] [unto him,] [through the atonement] [of Christ,] [his <only> <begotten> Son.]

Jacob 3:17 [LDS 4:11]
[That ye may obtain] [a resurrection,] [according to the power] [of the resurrection] which [is in Christ,] [and be presented] [as the first fruits] [of Christ,] unto God, [having faith,] [and obtained] [a <good> hope] [of glory] [in him,] before [he manifesteth himself] [in the flesh.]

Jacob 3:18 [LDS 4:12]
[And now,] beloved, marvel not [that I tell you] these things; for why not speak [of the atonement] [of Christ,] [and attain] [to a <perfect> knowledge of him,] [as to attain] [to the knowledge] [of a resurrection] [and the world] [to come?]

Jacob 3:19 [LDS 4:13]
Behold, [my brethren,] [he that prophesieth,] [let him prophesy] [to the understanding] [of men;] [for the Spirit] speaketh [the truth,] [and lieth] not.

Jacob 3:20 [LDS 4:13]
[Wherefore,{incorrect punctuation} it speaketh] [of things] [as they really] are, [and of things] [as they really] [will be;] wherefore, these things [are manifested] [unto us] plainly, [for the salvation] [of our souls.]

Jacob 3:21 [LDS 4:13]
[But behold,] [we are <not> <witnesses> alone] [in <these> things;] for God also spake them unto prophets [of old.]

Jacob 3:22 [LDS 4:14]
[But behold,] [the Jews] [were a <stiff-necked> people;] [and they despised] [the words] [of plainness,] [and killed] [the prophets,] [and sought] for things [that they could] not understand.

Jacob 3:23 [LDS 4:14]
[Wherefore,{incorrect punctuation} because of their blindness,] which blindness came [by looking] beyond [the mark,] [they must needs] fall:

Jacob 3:24 [LDS 4:14]
For God [hath taken away] [his plainness] [from them,] [and delivered] [unto them] many things which [they can] not understand, because [they desired it.]

Jacob 3:25 [LDS 4:14]
[And because] [they desired it,] God [hath done it,] [that they may stumble.]

Jacob 3:26 [LDS 4:15]
[And now] I, Jacob, [am led on] [by the Spirit] [unto prophesying:] for [I perceive] [by the workings] [of the Spirit] [which is] [in me,] [that by the stumbling] [of the Jews,] [they will reject] [the stone] upon which [they might build,] [and have <safe> foundation.]

Jacob 3:27 [LDS 4:16]
[But behold,] [according to the scriptures,] this stone [shall become] [the great,] [and the last,] [and the <only> <sure> foundation,] upon which [the Jews] [can build.]

Jacob 3:28 [LDS 4:17]
[And now,] [my beloved,] how [is it possible] [that these,] after [having rejected] [the <sure> foundation,] [can ever build] [upon it,] [that it may become] [the head] [of their corner?]

Jacob 3:29 [LDS 4:18]
Behold, [my <beloved> brethren,] [I will unfold] this mystery [unto you;] if [I do not,] [by any means] [get shaken] from [my firmness] [in the Spirit,] [and stumble] [because of my overanxiety] [for you.]

Jacob 3:30 [LDS 5:1]
Behold, [my brethren,] [do ye <not> remember] [to have read] [the words] [of the prophet] Zenos, which spake [unto the house] [of Israel,] saying: Hearken, [O ye house] [of Israel,] [and hear] [the words of me,] [a prophet] [of the Lord:]

Jacob 3:31 [LDS 5:3]
For behold, thus saith [the Lord,] [I will liken thee,] [O house] [of Israel,] [like unto a <tame> olive tree,] which [a man] took [and nourished] [in his vineyard:] [and it grew,] [and waxed old,] [and began] [to decay.]

Jacob 3:32 [LDS 5:4]
[And it came to pass] [that the master] [of the vineyard] [went forth,] [and he saw] [that his olive tree] began [to decay;] [and he said,] [I will prune it,] [and dig] [about it,] [and nourish it,] [that perhaps] [it may shoot forth] [young and tender branches,] [and it perish] not.

Jacob 3:33 [LDS 5:5]
[And it came to pass] [that he pruned it,] [and digged] [about it,] [and nourished it,] [according to his word.]

Jacob 3:34 [LDS 5:6]
[And it came to pass] [that after] many days, [it began] [to put forth] [somewhat a little,] [young and tender branches;] [but behold,] [the <main> top thereof] began [to perish.]

Jacob 3:35 [LDS 5:7]
[And it came to pass] [that the master] [of the vineyard] [saw it,] [and he said] unto [his servant,] [It grieveth me] [that I should lose] this tree;

Jacob 3:36 [LDS 5:7]
Wherefore, go [and pluck] [the branches] [from a <wild> olive tree,] [and bring them] hither [unto me;] [and we will pluck off] those main branches which [are beginning] [to wither away,] [and we will cast them] [into the fire,] [that they may be burned.]

Jacob 3:37 [LDS 5:8]
[And behold,] saith [the Lord] [of the vineyard,] [I take away] many [of these] [young and tender branches,] [and I will graft them] whithersoever [I will;]

Jacob 3:38 [LDS 5:8]
[And it mattereth] not [that if it so be,] [that the root] [of <this> tree] [will perish,] [I may preserve] [the fruit thereof] [unto myself;]

Jacob 3:39 [LDS 5:8]
[Wherefore,{incorrect punctuation} I will take] these [young and tender branches,] [and I will graft them] whithersoever [I will.]

Jacob 3:40 [LDS 5:9]
Take thou [the branches] [of the <wild> olive tree,] [and graft them in,] [in the stead thereof;]

Jacob 3:41 [LDS 5:9] [Note]
[And these] which [I have plucked off,] [I will cast] [into the fire,] [and burn them,] [that they may <not> cumber] [the ground] [of my vineyard.]

Jacob 3:42 [LDS 5:10]
[And it came to pass] [that the servant] [of the Lord] [of the vineyard,] did [according to the word] [of the Lord] [of the vineyard,] [and grafted in] [the branches] [of the <wild> olive tree.]

Jacob 3:43 [LDS 5:11]
[And the Lord] [of the vineyard] [caused that it should be digged] about, [and pruned,] [and nourished,] saying unto [his servant,] [It grieveth me] [that I should lose] this tree;

Jacob 3:44 [LDS 5:11]
[Wherefore,{incorrect punctuation} that perhaps] [I might preserve] [the roots thereof] [that they perish] not, [that I might preserve them] [unto myself] [I have done] this thing.

Jacob 3:45 [LDS 5:12]
Wherefore, [go thy way;] watch [the tree,] [and nourish it,] [according to my words.]

Jacob 3:46 [LDS 5:13]
[And these] [will I place] [in the nethermost part] [of my vineyard,] whithersoever [I will,] [it mattereth] not [unto thee;]

Jacob 3:47 [LDS 5:13] [Note]
[And I do it,] [that I may preserve] [unto myself] [the <natural> branches] [of the tree;] [and also,] [that I may lay up] [fruit thereof,] [against the season,] [unto myself:] for [it grieveth me] [that I should lose] this tree, [and the fruit thereof.]

Jacob 3:48 [LDS 5:14]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] [went his way,] [and hid] [the <natural> branches] [of the <tame> olive tree] [in the nethermost parts] [of the vineyard;] [some in one,] [and some in another,] [according to his will] [and pleasure.]

Jacob 3:49 [LDS 5:15]
[And it came to pass] [that a <long> time] [passed away,] [and the Lord] [of the vineyard] said unto [his servant,] Come, [let us go down] [into the vineyard,] [that we may labor] [in the vineyard.]

Jacob 3:50 [LDS 5:16]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard,] [and also] [the servant,] [went down] [into the vineyard] [to labor.]

Jacob 3:51 [LDS 5:16]
[And it came to pass] [that the servant] said unto [his master,] Behold, look here; behold [the tree.]

Jacob 3:52 [LDS 5:17]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] looked [and beheld] [the tree,] [in the which] [the <wild> <olive> branches] [had been grafted;] [and it had sprung forth,] [and begun] [to bear] fruit.

Jacob 3:53 [LDS 5:17] [Note]
[And he beheld] that [it was good:] [and the fruit thereof] [was like unto the <natural> fruit.]

Jacob 3:54 [LDS 5:18]
[And he said] unto [the servant,] Behold, [the branches] [of the <wild> tree] [hath taken hold] [of the moisture] [of the root thereof,] [that the root thereof] [hath brought forth] much strength;

Jacob 3:55 [LDS 5:18] [Note]
[And because of the <much> strength] [of the root thereof,] [the <wild> branches] [have brought forth] tame fruit:

Jacob 3:56 [LDS 5:18]
[Now,{incorrect punctuation} if] [we had <not> grafted in] these branches, [the tree thereof] [would have perished.]

Jacob 3:57 [LDS 5:18]
[And now,] behold, [I shall lay up] much fruit, which [the tree thereof] [hath brought forth;] [and the fruit thereof] [I shall lay up,] [against the season,] [unto mine own self.]

Jacob 3:58 [LDS 5:19]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] said unto [the servant,] Come, [let us go] [to the nethermost parts] [of the vineyard,] [and behold] if [the <natural> branches] [of the tree] [hath <not> brought forth] much fruit also, [that I may lay up] [of the fruit thereof,] [against the season,] [unto mine own self.]

Jacob 3:59 [LDS 5:20]
[And it came to pass] [that they went forth] whither [the master] [of the vineyard] had hid [the <natural> branches] [of the tree,] [and he said] unto [the servant,] Behold these:

Jacob 3:60 [LDS 5:20]
[And he beheld] [the first,] [that it had brought forth] much fruit; [and he beheld] also, that [it was good.]

Jacob 3:61 [LDS 5:20]
[And he said] unto [the servant,] Take [of the fruit thereof,] [and lay it up,] [against the season,] [that I may preserve it] [unto mine own self;]

Jacob 3:62 [LDS 5:20]
For behold, said he, [this <long> time] [have I nourished it,] [and it hath brought forth] much fruit.

Jacob 3:63 [LDS 5:21]
[And it came to pass] [that the servant] said unto [his master,] How comest [thou hither] [to plant] this tree, [or <this> branch] [of the tree?] for behold, [it was] [the <poorest> spot] [in all] [the land] [of thy vineyard.]

Jacob 3:64 [LDS 5:22]
[And the Lord] [of the vineyard] said [unto him,] [Counsel me] not: [I knew] that [it was] [a <poor> spot] [of ground;] wherefore, [I said] [unto thee,] [I have nourished it] this long time; [and thou beholdest] [that it hath brought forth] much fruit.

Jacob 3:65 [LDS 5:23]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] said unto [his servant,] Look hither: behold, [I have planted] another branch [of the tree] also; [and thou] knowest that this spot [of ground] was poorer [than the first.]

Jacob 3:66 [LDS 5:23]
[But,{incorrect punctuation} behold] [the tree:] [I have nourished it] this long time, [and it hath brought forth] much fruit; [therefore,{incorrect punctuation} gather it,] [and lay it up,] [against the season,] [that I may preserve it] [unto mine own self.]

Jacob 3:67 [LDS 5:24]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] said again unto [his servant,] Look hither, [and behold] another branch also, which [I have planted;] behold that [I have nourished it] also, [and it hath brought forth] fruit.

Jacob 3:68 [LDS 5:25]
[And he said] unto [the servant,] Look hither, [and behold] [the last:] behold, this [have I planted] [in a <good> spot] [of ground;] [and I have nourished it] this long time, [and only] [a part] [of the tree] [hath brought] tame fruit; [and the <other> part] [of the tree] [hath brought forth] wild fruit: behold, [I have nourished] this tree [like unto the others.]

Jacob 3:69 [LDS 5:26]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] said unto [the servant,] [Pluck off] [the branches] [that have <not> brought forth] good fruit, [and cast them] [into the fire.]

Jacob 3:70 [LDS 5:27] [Note]
[But behold,] [the servant] said [unto him,] [Let us prune it,] [and dig] [about it,] [and nourish it] [a little] longer, [that perhaps] [it may bring forth] good fruit [unto thee,] that [thou canst lay it up] [against the season.]

Jacob 3:71 [LDS 5:28]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard,] [and the servant] [of the Lord] [of the vineyard,] [did nourish] all [the fruit] [of the vineyard.]

Jacob 3:72 [LDS 5:29]
[And it came to pass] [that a <long> time] [had passed away,] [and the Lord] [of the vineyard] said unto [his servant,] Come, [let us go down] [into the vineyard,] [that we may labor] again [in the vineyard.]

Jacob 3:73 [LDS 5:29]
For behold, [the time] [draweth near,] [and the end] soon cometh: wherefore, [I must lay up] fruit, [against the season,] [unto mine own self.]

Jacob 3:74 [LDS 5:30] [Note]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard,] [and the servant,] [went down] [into the vineyard;] [and they came] [to the tree] whose natural branches [had been broken off,] [and the <wild> branches] [had been grafted in;] [and behold,] all sorts [of fruit] [did cumber] [the tree.]

Jacob 3:75 [LDS 5:31]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] [did taste] [of the fruit,] every sort [according to its number.]

Jacob 3:76 [LDS 5:31]
[And the Lord] [of the vineyard] said, Behold, this long time [have we nourished] this tree, [and I have laid up] [unto myself] [against the season,] much fruit.

Jacob 3:77 [LDS 5:32]
[But behold,] [this time] [it hath brought forth] much fruit, [and there is none] [of it] which [is good.]

Jacob 3:78 [LDS 5:32]
[And behold,] [there are all] kinds [of <bad> fruit;] [and it profiteth me] nothing, notwithstanding all [our labor:] [and now,] [it grieveth me] [that I should lose] this tree.

Jacob 3:79 [LDS 5:33]
[And the Lord] [of the vineyard] said unto [the servant,] What [shall we do] [unto the tree,] [that I may preserve] again good [fruit thereof] [unto mine own self?]

Jacob 3:80 [LDS 5:34]
[And the servant] said unto [his master,] Behold, because [thou didst graft in] [the branches] [of the <wild> olive tree,] [they have nourished] [the roots,] [that they are alive,] [and they have <not> perished;] [wherefore,{incorrect punctuation} thou beholdest] that [they are <yet> good.]

Jacob 3:81 [LDS 5:35]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] said unto [his servant,] [The tree] [profiteth me] nothing; [and the roots thereof] [profiteth me] nothing, [so long as] [it shall bring forth] evil fruit.

Jacob 3:82 [LDS 5:36]
[Nevertheless,{incorrect punctuation} I know] that [the roots] [are good;] [and for mine own purpose] [I have preserved them;] [and because of their <much> strength,] [they have <hitherto> brought forth] [from the <wild> <branches> <good> fruit.]

Jacob 3:83 [LDS 5:37]
[But behold,] [the <wild> branches] [have grown,] [and have overrun] [the roots thereof:] [and because] [that the <wild> branches] [have overcome] [the roots thereof,] [it hath brought forth] much evil fruit;

Jacob 3:84 [LDS 5:37]
[And because] [that it hath brought forth] [so much] evil fruit, [thou beholdest] [that it beginneth] [to perish:] [and it will <soon> become ripened,] [that it may be cast] [into the fire,] except [we should do] something [for it] [to preserve it.]

Jacob 3:85 [LDS 5:38]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] said unto [his servant,] [Let us go down] [into the nethermost parts] [of the vineyard,] [and behold] if [the <natural> branches] [have also] [brought forth] evil fruit.

Jacob 3:86 [LDS 5:39]
[And it came to pass] [that they went down] [into the nethermost parts] [of the vineyard.]

Jacob 3:87 [LDS 5:39]
[And it came to pass] [that they beheld] [that the fruit] [of the <natural> branches] [had become corrupt] also; yea, [the first,] [and the second,] [and also] [the last;] [and they had <all> become corrupt.]

Jacob 3:88 [LDS 5:40]
[And the <wild> fruit] [of the last,] [had overcome] [that part] [of the tree] [which brought forth] good fruit, [even that] [the branch] [had withered away] [and died.]

Jacob 3:89 [LDS 5:41]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] wept, [and said] unto [the servant,] What [could I have done] more [for my vineyard?]

Jacob 3:90 [LDS 5:42]
Behold, [I knew] that all [the fruit] [of the vineyard,] save [it were these,] [had become corrupted.]

Jacob 3:91 [LDS 5:42]
[And now,] these which once [brought forth] good fruit, [have also] [become corrupted.]

Jacob 3:92 [LDS 5:42]
[And now,] all [the trees] [of my vineyard] [are good] [for nothing,] save [it be to be hewn down] [and cast] [into the fire.]

Jacob 3:93 [LDS 5:43]
[And behold,] [this last,] [whose branch] [hath withered away,] [I did plant] [in a <good> spot] [of ground;] [yea,{incorrect punctuation} even] [that which] was choice [unto me,] [above all] [the <other> parts] [of the land] [of my vineyard.]

Jacob 3:94 [LDS 5:44]
[And thou beheldest] [that I <also> cut down] [that which] cumbered this spot [of ground,] [that I might plant] this tree [in the stead thereof.]

Jacob 3:95 [LDS 5:45]
[And thou beheldest] [that a part thereof,] [brought forth] good fruit; [and a part thereof,] [brought forth] wild fruit.

Jacob 3:96 [LDS 5:45]
[And because] [I plucked] not [the branches thereof,] [and cast them] [into the fire,] behold, [they have overcome] [the <good> branch,] that [it has withered away.]

Jacob 3:97 [LDS 5:46]
[And now] behold, notwithstanding all [the care] which [we have taken] [of my vineyard,] [the trees thereof] [have become corrupted,] [that they bring forth] no good fruit:

Jacob 3:98 [LDS 5:46]
[And these] [I had hoped] [to preserve,] [to have laid up] [fruit thereof,] [against the season,] [unto mine own self.]

Jacob 3:99 [LDS 5:46]
[But behold,] [they have become] [like unto the <wild> olive tree;] [and they] are [of <no> worth,] [but to be hewn down] [and cast] [into the fire:] [and it grieveth me] [that I should lose them.]

Jacob 3:100 [LDS 5:47]
[But what] [could I have done] more [in my vineyard?]

Jacob 3:101 [LDS 5:47]
[Have I slackened] [my hand,] that [I have <not> nourished it?]

Jacob 3:102 [LDS 5:47] [Note]
Nay; [I have nourished it,] [and have I digged] [about it,] [and I have pruned it,] [and I have dunged] it; [and I have stretched forth] [mine hand] almost all [the day long;] [and the end] [draweth nigh.]

Jacob 3:103 [LDS 5:47]
[And it grieveth me] [that I should hew down] all [the trees] [of my vineyard,] [and cast them] [into the fire,] [that they should be burned.]

Jacob 3:104 [LDS 5:47]
Who [is it] [that has corrupted] [my vineyard?]

Jacob 3:105 [LDS 5:48]
[And it came to pass] [that the servant] said unto [his master,] [Is it] not [the loftiness] [of thy vineyard?]

Jacob 3:106 [LDS 5:48]
[[Have <not> [the branches thereof] overcome ]] [the roots,] which [are good?]

Jacob 3:107 [LDS 5:48]
[And because] [the branches] [have overcome] [the roots thereof,] behold, [they grew] faster [than the strength] [of the roots,] [taking strength] [unto themselves.]

Jacob 3:108 [LDS 5:48]
Behold, [I say,] [Is not] this [the cause] [that the trees] [of thy vineyard] [have become corrupted?]

Jacob 3:109 [LDS 5:49]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] said unto [the servant,] [Let us go to,] [and hew down] [the trees] [of the vineyard,] [and cast them] [into the fire,] [that they shall <not> cumber] [the ground] [of my vineyard:] for [I have done] all; what [could I have done] more [for my vineyard?]

Jacob 3:110 [LDS 5:50] [Note]
[But behold,] [the servant] said unto [the Lord] [of the vineyard,] [Spare it] [a <little> longer.]

Jacob 3:111 [LDS 5:51]
[And the Lord] said, Yea, [I will spare it] [a <little> longer:] for [it grieveth me] [that I should lose] [the trees] [of my vineyard.]

Jacob 3:112 [LDS 5:52]
Wherefore [let us take] [of the branches] [of these] which [I have planted] [in the nethermost parts] [of my vineyard,] [and let us graft them] [into the tree] [from whence] [they came;]

Jacob 3:113 [LDS 5:52]
[And let us pluck] [from the tree] [those branches] [whose fruit] [is most bitter,] [and graft in] [the <natural> branches] [of the tree] [in the stead thereof.]

Jacob 3:114 [LDS 5:53]
[And this] [will I do,] [that the tree] [may <not> perish,] [that perhaps] [I may preserve] [unto myself] [the roots thereof,] [for mine own purpose.]

Jacob 3:115 [LDS 5:54]
[And behold,] [the roots] [of the <natural> branches] [of the tree] which [I planted] whithersoever [I would,] [are yet] alive;

Jacob 3:116 [LDS 5:54]
[Wherefore,{incorrect punctuation} that I may preserve them] also, [for mine own purpose,] [I will take] [of the branches] [of <this> tree,] [and I will graft them in] [unto them.]

Jacob 3:117 [LDS 5:54]
Yea, [I will graft in] [unto them] [the branches] [of their <mother> tree,] [that I may preserve] [the roots] also [unto mine own self,] [that when they shall be <sufficiently> strong,] perhaps [they may bring forth] good fruit [unto me,] [and I may <yet> have] glory [in the fruit] [of my vineyard.]

Jacob 3:118 [LDS 5:55]
[And it came to pass] [that they took] [from the <natural> tree] which [had become] wild, [and grafted in] [unto the <natural> trees] which also [had become] wild:

Jacob 3:119 [LDS 5:56]
[And they also] took [of the <natural> trees] which [had become] wild, [and grafted] [into their <mother> tree.]

Jacob 3:120 [LDS 5:57]
[And the Lord] [of the vineyard] said unto [the servant,] Pluck not [the <wild> branches] [from the trees,] save [it be those] which [are most bitter;] [and in them] [ye shall graft,] [according to that which] [I have said.]

Jacob 3:121 [LDS 5:58]
[And we will nourish] again [the trees] [of the vineyard,] [and we will trim up] [the branches thereof;] [and we will pluck] [from the trees] those branches which [are ripened] [that must perish,] [and cast them] [into the fire.]

Jacob 3:122 [LDS 5:59]
[And this] [I do,] [that perhaps] [the roots thereof] [may take strength,] [because of their goodness;] [and because of the change] [of the branches,] [that the good] [may overcome] [the evil;]

Jacob 3:123 [LDS 5:60]
[And because] [that I have preserved] [the <natural> branches,] [and the roots thereof;] [and that I have grafted in] [the <natural> branches] again, [into their <mother> tree;] [and have preserved] [the roots] [of their <mother> tree,] [that perhaps] [the trees] [of my vineyard] [may bring forth] again good fruit;

Jacob 3:124 [LDS 5:60]
[And that I may have] joy again [in the fruit] [of my vineyard;] [and perhaps] [that I may rejoice] exceedingly, that [I have preserved] [the roots] [and the branches] [of the first fruit.]

Jacob 3:125 [LDS 5:61]
Wherefore, [go to,] [and call] servants, [that we may labor] diligently [with our mights] [in the vineyard,] [that we may prepare] [the way,] [that I may bring forth] again [the <natural> fruit,] which natural fruit [is good,] [and the most precious] [above all other] fruit.

Jacob 3:126 [LDS 5:62]
Wherefore, [let us go to,] [and labor] [with our mights,] for [this <last> time;] for behold [the end] [draweth nigh:] [and this] [is for] [the <last> time] that [I shall prune] [my vineyard.]

Jacob 3:127 [LDS 5:63]
[Graft in] [the branches;] begin [at the last,] [that they may be] first, [and that the first] [may be] last, [and dig] about [the trees,] [both old] and young, [the first] [and the last,] [and the last] [and the first,] [that all] [may be nourished] once again for [the <last> time.]

Jacob 3:128 [LDS 5:64]
Wherefore, dig [about them,] [and prune them,] [and dung them] once more, for [the <last> time:] [for the end] [draweth nigh.]

Jacob 3:129 [LDS 5:64] [Note]
[And if it so be] [that <these> <last> grafts] [shall grow,] [and bring forth] [the <natural> fruit,] [then shall ye prepare] [the way] [for them,] [that they may grow;]

Jacob 3:130 [LDS 5:65]
[And as they begin] [to grow,] [ye shall clear away] [the branches] which [bring forth] bitter fruit, [according to the strength] [of the good] [and the size thereof;]

Jacob 3:131 [LDS 5:65]
[And ye shall <not> clear away] [the bad thereof,] all [at once,] lest [the roots thereof] [should be] [too strong] [for the graft,] [and the graft thereof] [shall perish,] [and I lose] [the trees] [of my vineyard.]

Jacob 3:132 [LDS 5:66]
For [it grieveth me] [that I should lose] [the trees] [of my vineyard;] [wherefore,{incorrect punctuation} ye shall clear away] [the bad,] [according as the good] [shall grow,] [that the root] [and the top] [may be equal] [in strength,] until [the good] [shall overcome] [the bad,] [and the bad] [be hewn down] [and cast] [into the fire,] [that they cumber] not [the ground] [of my vineyard;] [and thus] [will I sweep away] [the bad out] [of my vineyard.]

Jacob 3:133 [LDS 5:67]
[And the branches] [of the <natural> tree] [will I graft in] again, [into the <natural> tree;] [and the branches] [of the <natural> tree] [will I graft] [into the <natural> branches] [of the tree;]

Jacob 3:134 [LDS 5:68]
[And thus] [will I bring them together again,] [that they shall bring forth] [the <natural> fruit;] [and they shall be] one.

Jacob 3:135 [LDS 5:69]
[And the bad] [shall be cast away;] [yea,{incorrect punctuation} even] [out of all the land] [of my vineyard;] for behold, only [this once] [will I prune] [my vineyard.]

Jacob 3:136 [LDS 5:70]
[And it came to pass] [that the Lord] [of the vineyard] sent [his servant;] [and the servant] went [and did] [as the Lord] [had commanded him,] [and brought] other servants; [and they were] few.

Jacob 3:137 [LDS 5:71]
[And the Lord] [of the vineyard] said [unto them,] [Go to] [and labor] [in the vineyard,] [with your mights.]

Jacob 3:138 [LDS 5:71]
For behold, this [is the <last> time] that [I shall nourish] [my vineyard:] [for the end] [is nigh at hand,] [and the season] speedily cometh;

Jacob 3:139 [LDS 5:71]
[And if] [ye labor] [with your mights] [with me,] [ye shall have] joy [in the fruit] which [I shall lay up] [unto myself,] [against the time] which [will <soon> come.]

Jacob 3:140 [LDS 5:72]
[And it came to pass] [that the servants] [did go,] [and labor] [with their mights;] [and the Lord] [of the vineyard] labored also [with them;] [and they did obey] [the commandments] [of the Lord] [of the vineyard,] [in all things.]

Jacob 3:141 [LDS 5:73] [Note]
[And there began] [to be] [the <natural> fruit] again [in the vineyard;] [and the <natural> branches] began [to grow] [and thrive] exceedingly;

Jacob 3:142 [LDS 5:73]
[And the <wild> branches] began [to be plucked off,] [and to be cast away;] [and they did keep] [the root] [and the top thereof] equal, [according to the strength thereof.]

Jacob 3:143 [LDS 5:74]
[And thus] [they labored,] [with <all> diligence,] [according to the commandments] [of the Lord] [of the vineyard,] [even until] [the bad] [had been cast away out] [of the vineyard,] [and the Lord] [had preserved] [unto himself,] [that the trees] [had become] again [the natural] fruit;

Jacob 3:144 [LDS 5:74]
[And they became] [like unto <one> body;] [and the fruit] [were equal;] [and the Lord] [of the vineyard] [had preserved] [unto himself] [the <natural> fruit,] [which was] [most precious] [unto him] [from the beginning.]

Jacob 3:145 [LDS 5:75]
[And it came to pass] [that when] [the Lord] [of the vineyard] saw [that his fruit] [was good,] [and that his vineyard] [was <no> more] corrupt, [he called up] [his servants] [and said] [unto them,] Behold, for [this <last> time] [have we nourished] [my vineyard;] [and thou beholdest] that [I have done] [according to my will;]

Jacob 3:146 [LDS 5:75]
[And I have preserved] [the <natural> fruit,] that [it is good,] [even like as] [it was] [in the beginning;] [and blessed] [art thou.]

Jacob 3:147 [LDS 5:75]
For [because ye have been diligent] [in laboring] [with me] [in my vineyard,] [and have kept] [my commandments,] [and have brought unto me again] [the <natural> fruit,] [that my vineyard] [is <no> more] corrupted, [and the bad] [is cast away,] behold, [ye shall have] joy [with me,] [because of the fruit] [of my vineyard.]

Jacob 3:148 [LDS 5:76]
For behold, for [a <long> time] [will I lay up] [of the fruit] [of my vineyard] [unto mine own self,] [against the season,] which speedily cometh;

Jacob 3:149 [LDS 5:76]
[And for] [the <last> time] [have I nourished] [my vineyard,] [and pruned it,] [and dug] [about it,] [and dunged] it;

Jacob 3:150 [LDS 5:76]
[Wherefore I will lay up] [unto mine own self] [of the fruit] for [a <long> time,] [according to that which] [I have spoken.]

Jacob 3:151 [LDS 5:77]
[And when the time] cometh [that <evil> fruit] [shall <again> come] [into my vineyard,] [then will I cause the good] [and the bad] [to be gathered:]

Jacob 3:152 [LDS 5:77]
[And the good] [will I preserve] [unto myself;] [and the bad] [will I cast away] into [its own place.]

Jacob 3:153 [LDS 5:77]
[And then cometh] [the season] [and the end;] [and my vineyard] [will I cause to be burned] [with fire.]