This Hebrew Interlinear of the Book of Mormon uses Hebrew words that were in the Hebrew language before 600 B.C. which would be the Hebrew that formed the basis for the translation of the Book of Mormon into English in 1829. When Lehi left Jerusalem, this would have frozen the vocabulary of words that were written on the plates in the succeeding generations. The only possible additional introductions of new vocabulary would be prophesies received by God and from Jesus after his appearance in 3 Nephi. Colloquialisms can be created and evolve over time but these would still use the words from the Hebrew language from 600 B.C.
Book of Mormon Translation Guide
The Translation Guide uses the Interlinear information and displays the Book of Mormon English text with the Hebrew phrasing described in the Parsing Guide. The English words that represent Hebrew words are color-coded according to the Hebrew part of speech. Clicking on a colored word opens a modal with the Hebrew word, Strong's Number, the other words and their frequency that the Hebrew word is translated as in English, and the Brown-Driver-Briggs definition of the Hebrew word. The other words and their frequency is useful is translating the word using a word in the translated language with the same connotation.
- Blue - Noun or pronoun
- Green - Adjective
- Red - Verb or adverb
- Purple - Mixed - the word is used as a verb or a noun, or is represented by two or more Hebrew words
- Yellow - Other part of speech - preposition, particle, conjunction, interjection
- See the Parsing Guide for a description of phrasing - shown as brackets [ ] in the Translation Guide
- Angle Brackets < > - indicates a word that is out of Hebrew word order and, in Hebrew, usually should be placed outside the square brackets that indicate a single Hebrew word - it is usually an adjective or adverb, that in English, is placed before the verb or noun, but in Hebrew, is placed after the verb or noun
- In later Book of Mormon reprints, places where punctuation was added to the English that is incorrect according to the Hebrew phrasing is noted as '{incorrect punctuation}'
Translation Guide