Eratosthenes Map of the World

Internal Map

unnamed Mountain


unnamed Mountain

This unnamed mountain is near the Red Sea and in between Shazer and Nahom.

Commentaries (view it on a map)

I NEPHI 5:21 [16:17]: And after we had traveled for the space of many days, we did pitch our tents for the space of a time, that we might again rest ourselves and obtain food for our families.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Nahom, the Red Sea, Shazer, and an unnamed mountain. The term 'we' refers to Lehi and the people with him. The phrase 'traveled for the space of many days' is in addition to already having traveled many days between Shazer and Nahom. Nahom is not near Shazer. This location is near an unnamed mountain.

I NEPHI 5:37 [16:30]: And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did go forth up into the top of the mountain, according to the directions which were given upon the ball.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Nahom, the Red Sea, Shazer, and an unnamed mountain. The mountain is near the Red Sea in between Shazer and Nahom.


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