Eratosthenes Map of the World

Internal Map




Michmash is located in between Aiath and Migron. There is insufficient information in the Book of Mormon to locate Michmash in relation to any other places. Researchers locate Michmash about 7 miles north of Jerusalem.

Commentaries (view it on a map)

II NEPHI 9:109 [20:28]: He is come to Aiath, he is passed to Migron; at Michmash he hath laid up his carriages;

Commentary: This verse references the places of Aiath, Michmash, and Migron. The term 'he' refers to 'the Assyrian'. This is the only verse that mentions these places, so the there is no information about their relative placement in the Book of Mormon. They are listed in the same verse, so they are located next to each other. However, this verse also occurs in Isaiah 10:28, and biblical scholars locate these places north of Jerusalem and they are located adjacent to each other.


Jerusalem Map  North Map  North Map 
Places Around Jerusalem
../commentary/river-jordan.html ../commentary/aiath.html ../commentary/migron.html ../commentary/michmash.html ../commentary/ramath.html ../commentary/geba.html ../commentary/gibeah-of-saul.html ../commentary/gallim.html ../commentary/anathoth.html ../commentary/laish.html ../commentary/gebim.html ../commentary/madmenah.html ../commentary/nob.html ../commentary/land-of-lehi-inheritance.html ../commentary/jerusalem-salem.html ../commentary/mount-zion.html ../commentary/waters-of-shiloah.html