Eratosthenes Map of the World

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Wilderness Around Mormon


Wilderness Around Mormon

There was a wilderness in the land of Mormon.

Commentaries (view it on a map)

MOSIAH 9:32 [18:4]: And it came to pass that as many as did believe him, did go forth to a place which was called Mormon, having received its name from the king, being in the borders of the land having been infested, by times, or at seasons, by wild beasts.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Mormon, Nephi, and the wilderness around Mormon. The phrase 'as many as did believe him' refers to the people in the land of Nephi. This verse indicates that the land of Mormon is in proximity to the land of Nephi. The phrase 'wild beasts' is used commonly in the Book of Mormon in conjunction with wildernesses, so this would indicate that the land of Mormon is in or near a wilderness. The phrase 'place of Mormon' indicates that the term 'place,' when it refers to an area, has the same meaning as 'land.'

MOSIAH 9:65 [18:30]: And now it came to pass that all this was done in Mormon; yea, by the waters of Mormon, in the forest that was near the waters of Mormon:

Commentary: This verse references the places of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, and the wilderness around Mormon. The waters of Mormon are in the land of Mormon. A forest would tend to confirm that there is a wilderness in the land of Mormon.

MOSIAH 9:66 [18:30]: Yea, the place of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, the forest of Mormon, how beautiful are they to the eyes of them who there came to the knowledge of their Redeemer;

Commentary: This verse references the places of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, and the wilderness around Mormon. All of these places are within eyesight of each other. This verse places the waters of Mormon and the forest of Mormon (the wilderness around Mormon) within the borders of the land of Mormon.

MOSIAH 9:72 [18:34]: And it came to pass that Alma, and the people of the Lord, were apprised of the coming of the king's army; therefore they took their tents and their families, and departed into the wilderness.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Mormon and the wilderness around Mormon. There is a wilderness near the land of Mormon. The phrase 'into the wilderness' indicates they left an area that is not wilderness and entered into a wilderness. With references to a forest inside the land of Mormon, this wilderness could have been right outside the area where Alma and his people were living.


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Southern Area of the New World
Sea West Sea East Moronihah Melek Ridge Between Jershon And Melek Ridge Between Manti And Moroni, Lehi, And Morianton Aaron Lehi City Beyond The City Of Antiparah Antiparah Cumeni Zeezrom Manti Hill Manti Ridge Between Jershon And Manti Ridge Around The Land Of Manti Wilderness Between Antionum And Manti Ridge Between Jershon And Zarahemla Jershon Plains Of Nephihah Nephihah Ridge Between Siron And Zarahemla Wilderness Around Manti Valley West Of The River Sidon Valley East Of The River Sidon Hill Riplah Midian Ridge Between The Head Of The River Sidon And Nephihah Ridge Between the East Wilderness and Ishmael And Nephi Ridge Between Antionum And Jershon Pass Between Nephihah And Moroni Moroni Wilderness (South) River Sidon - Headwaters Of Hill Onidah Siron Ridge Between Ammonihah And Nephi Ridge Between Nephi And Zarahemla Antionum Mount Antipas Water of Sebus Shimnilon Wilderness Between Nephi And The Promised Land (I Nephi) Valley Near Mount Antipas Onidah Wilderness Between Ammonihah And Nephi Ishmael Waters of Mormon Mormon Wilderness Around Mormon Nephi (Lehi-Nephi) Wilderness Around Nephi Wilderness Between Nephi And Shilom Wilderness Between Amulon And Nephi Wilderness Between Helam And Nephi Wilderness Around Shemlon Hill North of Shilom Wilderness Between The Valley Alma And Zarahemla Middoni Ridge Between Jerusalem And Middoni Village Ani-Anti Ridge Between Jerusalem And Village Ani-Anti Jerusalem Lemuel Shemlon Valley Alma Shilom Wilderness Around Shilom Wilderness Between Helam And Valley Alma Helam Mocum Wilderness Between Amulon And Helam Amulon Onihah