Eratosthenes Map of the World

Internal Map

Land covered with

Dry Bones


Land covered with Dry Bones

This is an alternative description for the land of Cumorah. The land of dry bones is the same location as the hill Ramah (the same as hill Cumorah) in the land of Cumorah. Refer to the section on Cumorah for a relative placement of this location.

Commentaries (view it on a map)

MOSIAH 5:61 [8:8]: And they were lost in the wilderness, for the space of many days, yet they were diligent, and found not the land of Zarahemla, but returned to this land, having traveled in a land among many waters;

Commentary: This verse references the places of the land of many waters, Nephi, the wilderness between Nephi and Zarahemla, and Zarahemla. The term 'they' refers to 43 men that King Limhi sent to find the land of Zarahemla, became lost, and found the land of dry bones. The 'land among many waters' is an alternative description of the land of dry bones (the land of Cumorah). Going from the land of Nephi to the land of Zarahemla, it is possible to get lost in the wilderness between the land of Nephi and the land of Zarahemla. It is also possible to go to the land of many waters from the land of Nephi while bypassing the land of Zarahemla. The wilderness between the land of Nephi and the land of Zarahemla is the same wilderness as the wilderness between the land of Nephi and the land of many waters. The land was not yet known as the land of Cumorah since the Nephites had not populated that land at this time.

MOSIAH 5:62 [8:8]: Having discovered a land which was covered with bones of men, and of beasts, etc., and was also covered with ruins of buildings of every kind:

Commentary: This verse references the places of the land of Cumorah, the land covered with dry bones, and the land of many waters. The land of many waters (the land of Cumorah and the land of dry bones) contained ruins of buildings. This is logical since the armies that fought at the hill Ramah spent four years preparing for the final battle. The phrase 'bones of men, and of beasts' is consistent with the description that it is a land of dry bones. There is no description of finding any people in the land, just ruins. If they had found people in this land, the people would have informed them that the land was not the land of Zarahemla. This indicates the land of Cumorah was not yet peopled by anyone, even Nephites.

MOSIAH 5:64 [8:9]: And for a testimony that the things that they have said are true, they have brought twenty-four plates, which are filled with engravings; and they are of pure gold.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Cumorah, the land covered with dry bones, and the land of many waters. This verse, along with the verses of Mosiah 9:169 [21:27] and Ether 6:108 [15:33], confirms that the land of many waters is the same as the land of dry bones and the land of Cumorah.

MOSIAH 9:166 [21:25]: Now King Limhi had sent, previous to the coming of Ammon, a small number of men to search for the land of Zarahemla; but they could not find it, and they were lost in the wilderness.

Commentary: This verse references the places of the land of dry bones, Nephi, the wilderness between Nephi and Zarahemla, and Zarahemla. This verse indicates that it is not easy to find the land of Zarahemla from the land of Nephi. Since the men became lost trying to find the land of Zarahemla, the wilderness mentioned would be the wilderness between the land of Nephi and the land of Zarahemla. The men eventually found a land of dry bones rather than the land of Zarahemla.

MOSIAH 9:167 [21:26]: Nevertheless they did find a land which had been peopled; yea, a land which was covered with dry bones; yea, a land which had been peopled, and which had been destroyed;

Commentary: This verse references the places of Cumorah, the hill Cumorah, the hill Ramah, the land covered with dry bones, Nephi, and Zarahemla. The land of dry bones is in the same general direction (northward) from the land of Nephi as the land of Zarahemla. It is also the same location as the hill Ramah (which is the same as the hill Cumorah) in the land of Cumorah.

MOSIAH 9:168 [21:26]: And they having supposed it to be the land of Zarahemla, returned to the land of Nephi, having arrived in the borders of the land not many days before the coming of Ammon.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Cumorah, the hill Cumorah, the hill Ramah, the land covered with dry bones, and Nephi. The term 'they' refers to men from the land of Nephi trying to find the land of Zarahemla. There is no mention of becoming lost in the wilderness on the trip back to the land of Nephi from the land of dry bones (the land of Cumorah, hill Cumorah, and hill Ramah). The men could find their way back to the land of Nephi. There were sufficient landmarks between the land of dry bones (land of Cumorah) and the land of Nephi to be able to retrace their path.

MOSIAH 9:169 [21:27]: And they brought a record with them, even a record of the people whose bones they had found; and they were engraven on plates of ore.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Cumorah, the hill Cumorah, the hill Ramah, and the land covered with dry bones. This verse and Ether 6:108 [15:33], confirms that the land of dry bones is the same as the land around hill Ramah. The hill Ramah is the same as the hill Cumorah that is in the land of Cumorah.

ETHER 6:108 [15:33]: And he went forth, and beheld that the words of the Lord had all been fulfilled; and he finished his record; (and the hundredth part I have not written;) and he hid them in a manner that the people of Limhi did find them.

Commentary: This verse references the places of Cumorah, the hill Cumorah, the hill Ramah, and the land covered with dry bones. The term 'he' refers to Ether. This verse and Mosiah 9:169 [21:27] confirms that the land covered with dry bones is the same as the land around hill Ramah. The hill Ramah where Ether hid up the records is the same as the hill Cumorah that is in the land of Cumorah.


Northern Area of the New World
Sea West Sea East Sea East Land Northward Waters Of Ripliancum Hill Comnor Valley Of Corihor Corihor Valley of Shurr Land Of Many Waters, Rivers And Fountains Ablom Cumorah Battle Site Of Shiz And Coriantumr By The Sea East Shore Jordan Hill Cumorah Hill Ramah Lands And Cities Around Jordan Ogath Teancum Sherrizah (And The Tower Of Sherrizah) Ridge Between Hill Cumorah And Hill Shim Shem Hill Shim Boaz Ridge Between Heth And Hill Shim Antum Plains Of Agosh Plains of Heshlon Wilderness Of Akish Valley Of Gilgal Jashon Desolation Moron (Kingdom Of Cohor) North Country Moriantum Narrow Pass Or Passage Gilgal Narrow Neck Great City By The Narrow Neck Of Land Ridge Between Ablom And Nehor Heth David Angola (Angelah) Promised Land (Ether) Promised Land (I Nephi) Nehor (Kingdom Of Shule) Joshua Hill Ephraim Bountiful Wilderness Around Bountiful Ridge Between Bountiful And Morianton River Sidon Jacobugath Land Southward The One Place (Protection From The Robbers) Wilderness Around The Land Southward Land Near Bountiful Gadiandi Plains Between Bountiful And Mulek Wilderness West Of The City Of Mulek Mulek Laman South Countries Josh