Distances mentioned in the Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon describes very few absolute distances. Even then, the distances are not what we would consider "direct" distances. They are somewhat relative distance descriptions - like a number of days to reach a destination. How far a "day" is will vary based on a number of factors. One of those factors is if the travel is in conjunction with animals (i.e. flocks). Animals (from small goats to large cattle), interestingly, do not travel more than 11 to 14 miles a day regardless of their size. If you try to make any kind of livestock travel more than 14 miles a day for multiple days, the animals will die from being overexerted. So, when flocks are involved, 14 miles a day would be near the maximum distance that can be traveled.
There are several verses in the Book of Mosiah that describe three segments of travel using "days" as the measure of distance.
MOSIAH 11:1 [23:1] Now Alma [currently in the land of Mormon], having been warned of the Lord that the armies of King Noah would come upon them, and had made it known to his people, therefore they gathered together their flocks, and took of their grain, and departed into the wilderness before the armies of King Noah.
MOSIAH 11:3 [23:3] And they fled eight days journey into the wilderness.
MOSIAH 11:4 [23:4] And they came to a land, yea, even a very beautiful and pleasant land; a land of pure water.
MOSIAH 11:5 [23:5] And they pitched their tents, and began to till the ground, and began to build buildings, etc.; yea, they were industrious and did labor exceedingly.
MOSIAH 11:21 [23:19] And it came to pass that they began to prosper exceedingly in the land; and they called the land Helam.
MOSIAH 11:67 [24:18] Now it came to pass that Alma and his people in the night time, gathered their flocks together, and also of their grain; yea, even all the night time were they gathering their flocks together.
MOSIAH 11:68 [24:19] And in the morning the Lord caused a deep sleep to come upon the Lamanities, yea, and all their task-masters were in a profound sleep.
MOSIAH 11:69 [24:20] And Alma and his people departed into the wilderness; and when they had traveled all day, they pitched their tents in a valley, and they called the valley Alma, because he led their way in the wilderness;
MOSIAH 11:75 [24:24] And it came to pass that they departed out of the valley, and took their journey unto the wilderness.
MOSIAH 11:76 [24:25] And after they had been in the wilderness twelve days, they arrived to the land of Zarahemla; and King Mosiah did also receive them with joy.
The land of Helam was south of the land of Nephi. Assuming that Helam could be as close as one day travel, the description of 1 day plus 12 days to get from Helam to Zarahemla indicates that Nephi is no more than 12 days travel to Zarahemla (maximum of 168 miles when traveling with flocks).
Isthmus of Tehuantepec (Mexico) Model Assessment:
The starting point for Mosiah 11:1 is in the land of Mormon which was near the land of Jerusalem by the sea East. It is a matter of finding a location eight days distant that is still south of Nephi. And, from that location, being 13 days from Zarahemla located north of hill Amnihu on a north-flowing river.
The location for the land or Mormon is best placed just west of the present day Livingston, Guatemala (which is on the sea East coast) near the outflow of Lago de Izabal which is on the borders of the land of Nephi. Eight days travel with flocks (14 miles per day) would be in the area of Morazon, Guatemala (115 miles). The Rio Tocoy Tzima is a clear-running stream (pure water) that flows through Morazon. One day north of Morazon is over a difficult pass (a road, CA-14, currently goes over this pass so it is navigable) and into a valley in the vicinty of Salma, Guatemala (13 miles). A difficult pass to go over would explain why the people with Alma felt safe and started to settle down only one day away from Helam - not many people would travel that route. From near Salma to the area on the Usumacinta River near the Mayan location of Yaxchilan is 164 miles (12 days at 14 miles per day). All distances, relative positions, and geographical features described in the Book of Mormon are maintained.
Nephi is located about a day north of Salma. So, the distance between Nephi and Zarahemla is 152 miles (less than 168 miles).
Distances (Isthmus of Tehuantepec)

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Clear, Pure Water Rio Tocoy Tzima (Morazon, Guatemala)

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Heartland Model Assessment:
The Heartland Model places the waters of Mormon at Catoosa Springs, Georgia, just east of Chattanooga, Tennessee [source: bookofmormonevidence.org]. The Heartland Model places the land of Helam at Decatur Mounds / Pinson Mounds just east of Jackson, Tennessee. The distance from Catoosa Springs (waters of Mormon) to Pinson Mounds (land of Helam) is 266 miles (19 days at 14 miles per day). This distance does not fit the description in the Book of Mormon of taking 8 days with flocks.
Waters of Mormon and Helam (Heartland Model)

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Distance from Mormon to Helam (Heartland Model)

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The Heartland Model places Zarahemla a mile outside Montrose, Iowa. [source: bookofmormonevidence.org]. The distance from Pinson Mounds (land of Helam) to Montrose (Zarahemla) is 445 miles (31 days at 14 miles per day). This distance does not fit the description in the Book of Mormon of taking one day plus 12 days (13 days total) with flocks.
Waters of Mormon and Zarahemla (Heartland Model)

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Distance from Helam to Zarahemla (Heartland Model)

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