Used in:
- I Nephi 3:142 [13:7]
- I Nephi 3:143 [13:8]
- II Nephi 8:61 [13:23]
- Mosiah 6:32 [10:5]
- Alma 1:44 [1:29]
- Alma 2:8 [4:6]
- Helaman 2:133 [6:13]
- Ether 4:19 [9:17]
- Ether 4:73 [10:24]
What does the Book of Mormon state?
- Silk and linen are mentioned as available in both the Jaredite and Nephite times
At face value - Did silk, linen, and cloth exist in the New World?
- Silk (Hebrew shesh, Proverbs 31:22) is translated as fine linen in all other occurrences of shesh in the Bible.
- However, "fine linen" is also mentioned in the same verses as silk in the BoM, so silk should be interpreted as "silk"
- Giant silkworm moth (Rothschildia orizaba)
- Silkworm moths and silk are endemic to Mesoamerica
Additional Material
- Giant silkworm moth
- The Aztecs harvested these cocoons and used them to produce a kind of silk used to produce the paper for the Codex, precious books written by the learned priests accompanying the Spanish invaders, and describing the secrets of the Aztec and Mayan religions. By an odd coincidence, we learn from these books, written on silk from the giant silkworm moth caterpillar, that some Aztec gods were reincarnated as giant silkworm moths!