Used in:
- I Nephi 5:216 [18:25]
- II Nephi 9:121 [21:6]
- II Nephi 12:92 [30:12]
- Enos 1:34 [1:21]
- Alma 10:85 [14:29]
- Ether 4:20 [9:18]
What does the Book of Mormon state?
- Mentioned in both Jaredite and Nephite times
- Both goats and wild goats are mentioned
At face value - Did goats exist in the New World?
- The term "wild" in the Bible often refers to the male of the species
- "goats" and "wild goats" very well could mean female and male goats
- No evidence of goats (genus Capra) being endemic to Mesoamerica
- The Spanish calling brocket deer "goats" is documented
Additional Material
- Mammals, Amphibians, and Reptiles of Costa Rica: A Field Guide
- The elusive Red Brocket Deer is a small forest-dwelling species found in dense rain-forest environments from Costa Rica's low-lands to the mountains. Its Spanish name, Cabro de monte ("goat of the mountain"), refers to the two short, straight goatlike antlers that are characteristic of bucks. This deer stands only about thirty inches high at the shoulders, and its back has a hunched posture that looks more like an agouti than a deer.