Used in:
- Mosiah 7:49 [12:2]
- Alma 11:16 [16:10]
- Helaman 3:20 [7:19]
- III Nephi 3:43 [7:8]
- III Nephi 6:18 [14:6]
What does the Book of Mormon state?
- Dogs existed in the new world
At face value - Did dogs exist in the New World?
- At the time of European contact there were many dog breeds, including a rather large, hairless breed that has since become extinct. These breeds were separate from the dogs used as guard dogs, for hunting, or for companionship. The raising of edible breeds was a lucrative profession, and the animals were fed a rich diet of maize and even large quantities of avocado.
- (page 8)
- Dogs are endemic to Mesoamerica
Additional Material
- There were at least five breeds of dog
- Other breeds
- Itzcuintepotzotli
- Bred for food, hence the bulky shape (lower left of the page below)