Used in:
What does the Book of Mormon state?
- This is a repetition of Isaiah 2:20
- The Book of Mormon does not state that bats existed in the New World
At face value - Did bats exist in the New World?
- Faced with the rapid and extensive conversion of tropical rain forests to pasture lands and agricultural fields and with the need to preserve the remaining mammalian fauna, it is imperative to determine how the different species that form the mammalian community have responded to the anthropogenic alterations of their natural habitats To provide data in this direction, we sampled bats in 45 forest islands, in 20 agricultural habitats representing five types of vegetation (cocoa, coffee, mixed, citrus and allspice), in four live-fence sites and in four pasture sites at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico Sampling effort resulted in the capture of 2587 bats representing 35 species…
- Bats are endemic to Mesoamerica
Additional Material
- Map of Eastern Pipistrelle Distribution (one of several bat species)

Mayan Bat Glyphs exist
- T756 depicts a bat and may be read as follows: soz', 'bat' and lam at, 'spread-out'.