There was a wilderness west of the city of Mulek that was near the city of Mulek.
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ALMA 24:24 [52:20]: And it came to pass that they sent embassies to the army of the Lamanites, which protected the city of Mulek, to their leader, whose name was Jacob, desiring him that he would come out with his armies to meet them upon the plains, between the two cities.
Commentary: This verse references the places of Bountiful, Mulek, plains between Bountiful and Mulek, and a wilderness west of the city of Mulek. There are plains between the city Bountiful and the city Mulek. Jacob is cautious so he is not going to go far from the city Mulek (see Alma 24:25 [52:21]), so the plains are in, or close to, the lands of Mulek. The Sea East is eastward of the city of Mulek, so the plains would be westward of the city of Mulek.
ALMA 24:27 [52:22]: Therefore he caused that Teancum should take a small number of men, and march down near the sea-shore; and Moroni and his army, by night, marched into the wilderness, on the west of the city Mulek;
Commentary: This verse references the places of Mulek, the Sea East, and a wilderness west of the city of Mulek. The city Mulek is near the Sea East shore. There is a wilderness on the westward side of city Mulek.
ALMA 24:32 [52:24]: And while Teancum was thus leading away the Lamanites who were pursuing them in vain, behold, Moroni commanded that a part of his army who were with him, should march forth into the city, and take possession of it.
Commentary: This verse references the places of Mulek and the wilderness west of the city of Mulek. Moroni went to the city Mulek from the wilderness west of the city.