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Surviving the End Times - Part 4

Surviving Hunger    Peace Taken    Traveling    Summary

End Times Prophesy

Before Jesus returns, there will be a period of tribulation

21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Commentary: Before Jesus returns, there will be distress for all nations and men will fear.

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Surviving Hunger

Hunger - Long Term Food Shortage
  • To survive a long term food shortage, you will need to rely on yourself for your own food
  • Estimates are it requires 2 to 17 acres per person to be self-sufficient
    • It's possible to be self-sufficient with 1 acre per person - but it requires a lot of work
    • Factors include
      • Land quality, Rainfall / water sources, Length of the growing season
  • A period of hunger will be accompanied by inflation
  • Land in North Texas is about $9,000 per acre
  • Plus things needed for farming - seeds, plows, reaping equipment, etc.

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Hunger - Seasonal Considerations
  • What would you store to have food over the winter?
    • Root crops
      • Potatoes, Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, Radishes
  • From
    • Bottled water
    • Honey
    • Vegetables
    • Fruit
    • Salt
    • Sugar
    • Dried Corn
    • Wheat
    • Powdered Milk
    • White Rice
    • Instant Cocoa
    • Whole Wheat Crackers
    • Nuts
    • Canned meat (Chicken, Salmon, Tuna)

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Peace Taken

Peace Taken
  • In the tribulation period, society will be disrupted
  • What happens during disruptions
    • Power can be out for days (if it happens in the Summer? Winter?)
    • Water may be compromised or not available for periods of time
      • Need a plan to be able to boil it and/or store it
    • As mentioned before, there will be hunger
  • When resources are not available, it can promote groups of people to lawlessness
  • "to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another"

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Stay in Your House/Apartment or Travel?
  • A house/apartment provides shelter and some protection
    • There are a lot of resources in your house/apartment
    • Plan on staying in your house/apartment unless security is an issue
  • In the tribulation period, society will be disrupted
  • What happens during disruptions
    • People without resources look for resources
    • Think "gangs" looking for your resources
    • What will you use to protect your resources?
  • When security becomes an issue
    • That's when you may need to gather with other saints for mutual protection
    • This is when you have to plan on traveling

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Stay in Your House/Apartment or Travel?
  • Do you know how you will survive in your house if all services were shut off or not usable?
    • No Electricity?
    • No Gas?
    • No Potable Water (i.e. boil water in effect)?
    • No Water?
  • If you have no heat, but had to stay in the house, then what?
    • Use your tent and sleeping bags in a room
    • You can use plastic sheeting
      • Two layers of plastic over all window openings
      • You can put a "roof" in a high-ceiling room to make a ceiling 6ft high - less volume to heat
      • If you have a room with a fire place, you would need firewood

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Stay in Your House/Apartment or Travel?
  • Do you know how you will survive in your house if all services were shut off or not usable?
    • No Potable Water (i.e. boil water in effect)?
    • No Water?
  • A hand-held water filter pump would produce potable water
  • No Water?
    • Are there any sources of natural water nearby?
    • A hand-held water filter pump would purify the water
    • You would need buckets to haul water
    • A hand truck or wagon would come in handy

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  • Note about traveling
    • While it is probable that traveling by car may be available...
    • Cars need gas - when resources are scarce, gas will be scarce
    • Lots of people traveling at one time can lead to congestion
      • Think about cities (Houston) evacuating for hurricanes
      • You might be able to travel 30 miles or less in a day
      • Maybe not a hurricane, but there may be a mass evacuation
    • Be prepared to have to walk (or ride a bike)
  • If you have to walk someplace, you will need to be able to carry what you need with you
    • A person can carry 20% of their body weight for long distances
    • Realistically not more than 30 to 35 lbs.
    • What would you prioritize to carry?

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  • "Carry" list
    • Backpack (or something to carry everything in) - 3 lbs.
    • Tent - 6 lbs. (used by 2 to 3 people)
      • The other 1 to 2 people can carry some cooking pans, tarp
    • Sleeping bag - 3 lbs.
    • First Aid, Fire Making, Water Filter Pump, Knife - 2lbs.
    • Quart of water - 2 lbs.
      • This implies water would be available along your route to get more
    • Change of clothes, including a coat and extra socks - 3 lbs.
    • Toiletries - 1 lb.
    • Food for several days - include dried foods like beans - 5 lbs.
    • This is up to 25 lbs. (minimum)
    • You now have 5 to 10 lbs. for anything not listed and "personal stuff" - not much

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Traveling - Other Considerations
  • A hand truck or hand cart could be used instead of a backpack
    • It would keep you limited to roadways
  • If there are any rivers on the way to another city
    • Bridges over rivers are natural spots for roadblocks (think gangs extorting your resources)
    • If a roadblock is too dangerous or not possible to cross, you might have to find another way across the river
    • This is one scenario where a dry-bag is handy

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  • Gathering in the same city
    • Where will you gather?
    • Do other people know where the gathering place is?
      • If traveling is needed to get to a place for mutual safety, other people need to agree where the gathering place will be
    • Need a map - that does not rely on the internet
      • GeoPDF files
        • Can fit on your phone
        • Works with the GPS on your phone
          • The GPS works on your phone without needing the internet - just your phone
          • It shows a dot where you are on the map
        • Can include the location where everyone will gather
        • Can include other key locations
      • Note: Google off-line maps are only good for 30 days - a GeoPDF file works as long as your phone works

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What Will We Need to Survive
  • [Doctrine & Covenants Section 28:2d] wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto one place, upon the face of this land, to prepare their hearts, and be prepared in all things, against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the wicked;
  • We are told to be prepared in all things - not just be prepared spiritually, but in all things

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  • Traveling to another city
    • Where will you gather?
    • Do other people know where the gathering place is?
      • If traveling is needed to get to a place for mutual safety, other people need to agree where the gathering place will be
    • Need a map - that does not rely on the internet
    • If you have to walk, you will need to obtain food along the way
      • 520 miles from Dallas to Independence - 13 to 26 days travel
      • Hunting/gathering - hunting would require a gun or bow
      • Caches - would require secure places to put the cache and pre-planning to place the caches before they are needed
    • If the situation is severe, gangs may set up roadblocks and collect (extort) tolls - you may need a plan to circumvent roadblocks

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Traveling to Another City
  • If you can travel by Car...
    • Have a plan for what you can load into your car
    • Also plan that somewhere you may have to abandon your car
      • If you have to walk, you will need to pack the car with the items that you will need to walk (possibly many days)
    • You will need a plan to carry or get gas to get you to the other city
    • Think about a car top carrier so you can carry more things
    • A small car trailer is another option
    • A 4' to 5' hose is useful
      • To siphon (i.e. gas)
    • How many people do you plan on taking?
      • What about any people you may find on the way that need help?

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Miscellaneous Travel Helps
  • Your cell phone GPS will work even if you do not have an internet connection
    • Storing an offline map, your GPS can show your location on the map
    • You can also add a gathering place, etc.
    • Dallas Map
    • The map can also zoom in so you get a more detailed information
    • Dallas Map Zoom-In
      • So you can get to the nearest safe place
      • Offline maps make your phone a very valuable tool for navigating
      • This Dallas map
        • Save it to a cloud drive
        • Install the Avenza Maps App on your phone
        • Import the map into the Avenza Maps App (that's it)
        • Dallas Geo Map
  • Make your own GeoPDF map
    • Go to (open a new free account if necessary)
    • Under Base Layers - Select OpenStreetMap (or try other Base Layers)
    • Move and zoom the map to any location
    • Click Add > Marker to put a marked location and label on the map
    • Click Print
    • Under Format - Select Geospatial PDF
    • Under General Settings - Add a Title
    • Under Pages - Select Portrait or Landscape
    • Adjust the print area
    • Click Generate PDF (PDF opens in a new tab)
    • Download the PDF

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Miscellaneous Travel Helps

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End Times Summary
  • The items described will help get you through Revelation 3 through 6
    • Needs for Revelation 7 to 19 are the same items
      • Only more of them
      • Plan on having a 5-year supply of food by the end of Revelation 6
      • When the locusts arrive, all supply chains will virtually disappear
        • Too many people will be tormented (work production crashes)
      • When the beast requires his mark to buy or sell, you will have to be self-sufficient
        • Bartering and Gold/Silver may also be useful

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Summary - Timeline - Over 47 Months
Timeline for the End Times Events

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So far - what can we survive?
What level of situation do you want to survive?

Event Scenarios to Plan For
  • Some groceries not on the shelves for a short time (think COVID-19)
  • Groceries not on the shelves for a long time
  • Natural disasters (i.e. tornados - things get back to "normal" fairly soon)
  • Natural disasters (i.e. earthquakes - will take months to fix things)
Peace Taken
  • Individuals or small groups trying to take your things or do you harm
  • Large groups trying to take your things or do you harm
Killed by Beasts
  • Animals trying to do you harm
Not Buy or Sell
  • The ability to purchase items (but no credit/debit, only cash/gold)
  • No ability to purchase items (living off-grid)
All the Above
  • Able to stay in your house
  • Need to gather together in the same city (i.e. for protection)
  • Need to gather in a different city (requiring travelling a distance)
  • Combinations of all the above
  • You can handle this scenario with what we've covered
  • You can handle some of this, but there is still more to cover
